Millennial Historian

Ironically, Billy Bob Thornton. He doesn't hate the music, but his seething jealousy makes him unable to enjoy it.

I'm with you. I would make a kick-ass graveyard-shift worker, but there's no money to be made in any graveyard-shift work, except emergency-room medicine. Maybe I should have been a doctor. From my experience, you don't even have to be very smart to be a doctor.

Well "refuse" is too strong a word to describe my attitude or behavior in any of these cases. But, since you brought him up, I've been less enthused about Scorsese films since The Age of Innocence. I skipped several of his after that, have always heard that I didn't miss much, and when I did go see Gangs of New York,

Have you learned nothing from Master Yoda? "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not."

Jackie Brown was so dull and lifeless, despite some very engaging performances by Jackson, Grier, and Forster, that it convinced me that Tarantino had shot his wad with Pulp Fiction, and I didn't give the Kill Bill movies a chance when they came out. I'm glad I changed my mind on those, because I saw them later and

"@rngwrm:disqus , what is best in life?"

"No, no, those are the Pallboro 100s. I want the 120s. Really, when I come to Wal*Mart, I expect better service than this." [tosses tail of fox stole over shoulder in show of irritation]

Oh, Good Lord, yes!

I'm with you in general principle, but I'm not sure you're using the best example of how responsible you can be when you say that you're buying ten 12-packs of tooth-rotting, diabeetus-causing, heart-palpitation-inducing soda, my friend!

Real-Life Supermarket Gripes, with Millennial Historian

Honestly, when I think about everything that I've ever seen on Univision or Telemundo that wasn't a hilariously super-serious historical costume telenovella, I can't remember if it was a show on its own or a segment on Sabado Gigante.

Those middle-school years are kind of the worst in summer, aren't they? Like you said, you're not old enough to have a job. You also can't drive or do stuff like that independently. Sure, you've got your bike, but you probably can't go far from home on it, and if you live in an exurban area, there's nothing

I think her daughter, Jane Fonda, should play her.

Why does anyone put a microphone in front of this asshole after the Fresh Air debacle?

I'm really curious about how Mel Gibson feels about a loud-and-proud Jew being on his side.

Really? Fucking Ted Nugent also claims to be a complete teetotaler and alcohol virgin. What's with lifelong abstinence from booze turning people into complete raging assholes?

Watch the video to any of the Private Dancer songs, and then watch Rod Stewart's video for "Infatuation," or really any song from that album of his that year. Tina Turner and Rod Stewart had the same haircut/wig.

"mimicking the duplicitous life Tina led for close to two decades"

Yeah, isn't that kind of the point of the Rapture anyway? For all the people left behind to finally take that last chance to believe in God and his power and the truth about the End Times? And it's basically like Protestant Purgatory, isn't it? Both involve suffering and tribulation — but with Purgatory, you know

It only depresses me that so many people run their lives according to this shit that it affects the rest of us, especially when it comes to them voting for election candidates who seem to want to do their damnedest to hasten the End Times. If these people would just get together on Sundays at Church and cosplay and