Millennial Historian

That is a lot of assists.

Yeah, I wouldn't be at all surprised if whatever friend told DOMME that cunnilingus was something submissive men do would, if pressed on that, explain by saying, "That's what my husband tells me."

That's a really helpful distinction to make, actually. If I needed advice on how to bring up the subject of anal fisting with my partner, or, even more so, if I needed advice on the proper mechanics of it and things to make sure to avoid that a first-timer would not reasonably know to guard against, then Dan's the

"I don't respect the sanctity of abusive relationships"

"she needs to be hiring a lawyer, not doing stuff that a vengeful ex can use to make her look bad in court."

I keep saying that DOMME's husband has a 22-year head-start on her in this march to the grave we're all on. What she should do is make sure he gets plenty of salt in his diet, and never exercises.

My sentiments exactly: more humane, level-headed, fair-minded people in law enforcement, please! @lieutenantcolonelmackballs:disqus sounds like a guy the rest of the force should model itself after.

Time is on her side, though! Death waits for all of us, and her husband has a 22-year head-start on her.

Well, in the sense that his money has given her security and made her dependent on him, yes.

The gatekeeper at the compound must have mistaken the column for one written by Michael Savage.


If he's 60 and really type-A and that repressed, she might be running out the clock, figuring his aorta will burst one of these days while he's in the middle of telling someone why what they're doing is wrong.

That parentheses thing sounds like how the Coneheads explained that they weren't speaking English, they were speaking their native language; by a strange coincidence, it happens to be almost exactly like English.

Seriously. After reading that, I figured they based the Fünke band on the Trachtenburgs.

I assumed you were British, since you seemed to know who this James Corden was. I hope you took no offense.

A Granny-hold.

Where in not-Britain do you hail from?

Fashion is often open trolling, too.

I'm sure that face moss is well and carefully tended. Makeup and hair people for big-time photo shoots are very talented, and sometimes employ their skills to making the subject look more casual and natural than he really is.

"Attic"! Hah! I'm constantly amused by the common language that separates us Americans from British people. You act all perturbed when we mention our grandfathers wearing suspenders, you wonder why a vest is considered part of a business suit, and some of you get positively red in the face if I mention my aunt