Millennial Historian

Was that already 4 years ago? Ah, how I miss Christine O'Donnell. How can we get her back in the national spotlight?

Being on the giving end is much different than being on the receiving end.

Copies of copies of copies are notorious for their lack of resolution and multiplication of errors.

Have you seen that People of Wal*Mart picture of the woman checking out who is wearing, no fooling, a red sweatshirt with a big swastika on it? Like, unmistakably a fucking Nazi flag made into a garment? I would be compelled to tell that piece of shit to leave the store — but would I be in the right, legally? I

I think bringing a toy gun to school will already get you in a heap of trouble; but I agree that in some places, kids will soon be actively encouraged to bring real firearms to school…you know, to use to protect themselves from the kids who want to shoot up the whole school.

I don't think the general NRA membership is especially keen on people sneaking around their rear exhaust ports, but the leadership hasn't issued an official stance, since it's beyond the scope of their mission.

You mean Jeb Bush? Or George H.W. Bush? Because I think the law is that to serve as vice-president, a person must be eligible to serve as president; and since George W. Bush has served two full terms, he is no longer eligible to serve as president, and therefore is also ineligible to serve as vice-president. I

All of you people, in this sequence right here, demonstrate what brings me back to this place after so many instances of frustration and disgust. Bravo to you all. This was brilliant.

I can't wait until someone points out to these shitheads that Dodge City, KS, was one of the roughest towns in the West, and that it only got cleaned up somewhat when they decided that people couldn't bring their guns into town. Yes, gun control in the Old West. These gun-nuts will hear this and their heads will

I thought you were referring to typical Kansas gun-nuts. I mean, it's still racist, but it's against white trash, so it's acceptable!

Heretic! Burn him!

Are you saying that @avclub-605302b7b2612ace0b5716f3285b7ba0:disqus should avoid using "trigger words"?

Well I'll be damned, there it is, on the Youtunes. I had never heard about the "naughty" version before. I actually think the one where they're cover up (sort of) works better, as it makes everything more suggestive, which I think serves the song better.

you can always just say "Piers Morgan," instead.

Was there a version of the video where the women were naked? I only saw one where they had on bras and panties (or were those bathing suits?).

"We know you want it, but you can't have it if your employer cites religious objections." — US Supreme Court, Burwell v. Hobby Lobby

I'm not into slut-shaming, but I'm all in favor of stupid-shaming. And that shit was straight-up stoooopid.

ISIS (a.k.a. ISIL, a.k.a. The Islamic State) has been crucifying people, too, thought I doubt over the same issues.

I'll cop to not reading the whole article. Did he make reference to his childhood in South Dakota? Because I love hearing all two things there are to say about that.

His campaign for Grand Moff has been low-key and surreptitious until now.