Millennial Historian

They also have an incredibly shitty stadium. I mean, it's so bad, they should leave town.

I would strenuously encourage you to visit Chicago, whether this museum is there or not. It is one of the world's great cities.

But that's the only joke you would ever need! Do it!

"Please don't construe our ownership of this as an endorsement of slavery."

Yes, and I'm much more comfortable holding those things against him than I am drunken slurs (both meanings). Ditto Sean Connery's thoughts on wife-beating, delivered during a clearly sober interview with Barbara Walters.

"Gibson has those words inside him…" I agree. We all, in a sense, have those words inside us, because we know them, and understand Gibson when he uses them. If nothing else, all of us who know the stories about Gibson's drunken rants have his very words inside us now. They could lurk in there for decades, never

Well, then you're getting into what they intended by their remarks, what the context was, what level of provocation they had already endured, and that would require all kinds of inquiry and investigation and understanding of subtlety in human interactions — and we much prefer clear, crisp, black-and-white judgements

But racial and ethnic slurs do share some mind-space with swear words: they're forbidden, dangerous, punishable, etc. A willingness to use such words (even a compulsion to use them, in the case of Turrett's Syndrome) can be harbored in some remote recesses of our brains and actually, perversely, nurtured by the fact

"alcoholism doesn't fuel prejudice so much as weaken the dam of the superego that holds back expression"

With all the will in the world
Diving for dear life
When we could be diving for pearls…

You've inspired me to start a Facebook campaign to get Betty White on Game of Thrones while there's still time!

Something fried, I'm sure.

Yeah, 10-15 years ago, you'd put Meg Ryan's picture up there and everyone would know it was an article about rom-coms. These days, I guess Heigl's still the go-to person for that, thought she hasn't even been getting work in that field lately, has she?

I, myself, would jump at the chance to move to New Orleans, but that might not be right for you. Where do you currently live? Would New Orleans be an improvement over "home"? Would you still like it in NOLA even if you broke up with this girl? @Scrawler2:disqus 's right (as always): she's young, and I assume you

Yeah, right! In the desert? Pffft. Not likely.

So, they're just a cheap way to produce something to fill air time? They cut out the expense of screenwriting and paying union actors?

You know, sometimes you fall for someone who is so, so very wrong for you that when you look back on it, you're embarrassed at yourself for ever falling for such a person. It's like, "I'm making myself look bad to my own self for having once been with that person!"

Wow. That sounds like an expensive lesson to learn, but I bet you learned it well and won't make that same mistake again.

People who refuse to vaccinate should never be called "educated." And it's not a political act, that I know of. Some people (such as the Amish and, obviously, Christian Scientists) refuse to vaccinate for religious reasons. But most people do it because they're fucking stupid, think it will give their kids autism

She's done better than tens of millions of Americans who weren't able to get or keep a job for the last 6 or 7 years because of, you know, the Great Recession.