Millennial Historian

Out of curiosity, is yours a Protestant church? I'm curious about how anti-birth-control sentiment is on the rise among Protestants.

You might be amazed what you'll agree to when you're unemployed, no longer collecting unemployment benefits, credit card is damn near maxed out, and there's rent to pay. I know I was amazed at not only what I could agree to, but what I could endure. Nothing criminal or anything like that. Just really soul-crushing,

I think I had to take that very test once! I caught on pretty quickly that the "correct" responses were the most "authoritarian, with absolutely no nuance or critical thinking," as you so perfectly stated it.

Actually, Iraq is starting to degenerate into something I could imagine in the endgame for Game of Thrones.

It was part of the Good Friday Peace Accords. The president of Ireland has to wear a chocolate cream pie on his head on state visits to Belfast.

Hey, I'd read it. If it's as short as you claim.

I think LA cops do that just so they'll get on TV. Anyway, no, we didn't get that, but I think mostly because (1) the city wasn't as massive as the LA area, so any highway chase would have left town by the time the news chopper was up in the air to get pictures, and (2) our cops had a penchant for driving the wrong

You should be working in economic development somewhere. Or maybe the World Bank.

After a few particularly bad bouts of Monopoly, I'm convinced my parents, brother, and I still speak to each other only because we are tied by strong family bonds of blood. I don't think I've ever had a friendship that was strong enough to survive some of those tempestuous games.

It was the Great Depression, after all.

I think maybe this game really does help teach economics and accounting, because I didn't understand any of what you just said when I was a kid, or when I took an accounting class a few years ago, but I understand it in terms of Monopoly!

That's what we did, too. Then my parents went bankrupt in real life!

I am totally calling the game Gentrification from now on!

I can't tell if the game treats going to jail as a natural and unremarkable part of everyday life, or just in the everyday lives of real estate moguls.

My experience jibes with this. Another good group is the oranges, right before you hit Free Parking.

The fact that those hotels don't get shut down by the health department is a testament to the level of corruption in Atlantic City.

"If you could draw a line from Go-Fish to Monopoly, and stop in the middle, that's the game."

Daniel Stern could step in and speak for you…

I would not put it past Mitt Romney to run again. Seriously. I don't think he'd get the nomination, and but I would say there's a 50-50 chance he would run for president again.

When I first heard about Rob Ford, my first reaction was along the lines of a parent who comes home from a trip to find that his super-responsible, honor-roll, student-body-president son has not only had a big kegger while I was away, but about 500 people came and trashed the house. The analogy falls apart because