Millennial Historian

There was a proud union-busting state legislator I heard about who played the Dropkick Murphys' version of "Which Side Are You On?" at his campaign rallies. The reason, ostensibly, was that he was Irish-American, and he liked that song the Murphs did for The Departed, but "Which Side Are You On?" had a more combative

That's just paperwork. The decision might have been made in-person some time before.

Hey, if a leader is good, he or she can be president for life, de facto, if he or she keeps up the good work and keeps getting re-elected.

"give the Supremes 18 year terms instead of lifetime appointments"

True enough about the Supreme Court nominees. As for not having anything new to attack Hillary with? Hell, they'll invent stuff out of thin air. Surely you've noticed how creatively looney they've been with Obama. And surely you've also heard of a little place/event known as Benghazi!!1!!!1!1!1™

Yeah, there's a very big chunk of the electorate that is in the center, and lots of them still identify as Republicans, even though they've been alienated by the Tea Party and, as they reflect back, some of the extreme right-wingers that have taken over the party in the last 35 years. They used to be called "moderate

So, that's Hillary Clin-Ton no denying that she needs a campaign theme song. She just announced! Letterman is going lambaste her.

It doesn't have to be Douglass. How 'bout MLK? Get some 20th century representation on our money.

Here are a few classical music riots:

The newest Scottish* tradition seems to be diabetes. I'm sure the deep-fried candy bars and alcohol have nothing to do with it.

Do they fucking ever! Teenagers are why I stopped going to the movie theater for a while. I just couldn't take all the talking, joking, laughing during the non-comic moments. "I didn't pay $10 to listen to you motherfuckers talking!" But you can't say that to a teenager and expect it to make them stop; teenagers

Yes, the love of fried chicken is a human thing, not a black thing. If you have 46 chromosomes, you love fried chicken. Even vegans love it. They may not eat it, but if they did, they would say it tastes great.

"People here don't know how critical interpretation works."

The film might also be laughing a little bit at that student for her overreaching interpretation.

The Grammys.

I mostly know him as an accidental (supposedly) anti-Semite — but that's just what I heard from Seth Rogen.

Local news is like that everywhere. I grew up in a medium-sized city in the Southwest, and if you judged it by the local news, you'd think it was the real-life inspiration for Escape from New York. The order of operations seemed to be (in descending order of priority):

Hold on: are you lumping Pixar films in with "Thomas Kinkade's Christmas Cottage [and] Garry Marshall 'holiday' movies"?

Also, part of the joke seems to be that they're addressing their complaints to the absolute lowliest person possible: the bewildered box-office ticket seller, who has absolutely no power to make any of the changes the students are asking for. He could just as easily have said, "I just sell the tickets, and I sweep up

I've heard that one trotted out a lot, and it sets my bullshit meter off, too. It's just too convenient to blame the racism of foreign markets for Hollywood's unwillingness to cast black actors. For one thing, there are lots of foreign markets in Africa, where film goers surely would not object to seeing black