Millennial Historian

If I had grant money to award, I'd give it to you to conduct this study. I'm suddenly very interested in the results.

"I remember after the series finale, one of the strongest feelings I had
was relief. I was glad it was all over so I could get on with my life."

It's that little-known, once-a-century correction in the Gregorian calendar where we lose a day.

Well, I stand corrected! Thanks for the information.

Spreading the cheeks, thus reducing the skin-flapping that causes the trumpet sound — what we called "stealth mode" when I was growing up.

Well, understanding the value of this feature really does require that a person have a functioning sense of humor.

Next you're going to try to convince us that paying your workers enough that they can buy the products they make is a good business strategy. Pshaw!

Oh, the South. That probably explains the lack of Madison/Madysyn/etc. on your list. You probably know people named Savanna(h), don't you?

It does? I'm surprised to hear this. I thought you just stopped using it whenever there was no longer any likelihood that you would be confused for your father (like when he dies, or when you move far away).

I'm with you. My father has an unfortunate name that also was his father's name. Some time between my grandfather's birth and my father's birth, the name was also given to a famous cartoon character, which meant my father's childhood had extra miseries that needn't have happened. My grandfather might have spared my

"Cevyn" looks like a medical term for part of the female reproductive system.

In fairness, though, isn't Irish, traditionally, a language without any letters at all? I thought it was an oral language exclusively, until it had the Latin alphabet applied to it in the 19th century — and they figured out all the weirdest ways to use the letters so that they don't sound the way they do in the Latin

I am such a sucker for this. I loved the 1968 movie, and even a couple of its sequels. Burton's abortion in 2001 even had a few good elements. But the 2011 movie was one of the most effecting (affecting? Afflecking?) things I've seen in a while. Caesar's imprisonment was heart-breaking, and his uprising was

That, and fewer humans around to prey on them.

A ferret can't sweep your floor and bring you a drink.

I thought they were already run by apes in our day.

"Because big boss orangutan have original idea for gorilla's job. Ape-intellectual capital worth much: it not easily replaced, unlike gorilla grunt worker." — Milton Friedmonkey, A Monkey-tary History of the United Apes

Oh, all primates enjoy that stuff; but humans are the only ones who have made it an available option.

And, honestly, we could say the same about humans.

Well, not in an American classroom…