Aurelien Flieger

Yeah. His refusal to admit his mistakes without making up a bullshit excuse is just cowardly.


It's starting to piss me off to see Winston always separated from the rest of the cast. He's my favourite character but he's always the outsider.

I thought this was one of the show's very best.

One of Breaking Bad's greatest strenghts is that while some episodes are more thrilling and suspenseful than others, no episode is less well written than the other. It's so homogenous as a whole.

Todd Van Der Werff Origins

Michael from GTA V alert! And Trevor was in POI last week.

Future 11 seasons-show because Showtime !

I can't think of anything but "appropriate" to describe the finale. It just does justice to the 6 past seasons, no matter if it was a bit predictable. This was the ending Breaking Bad needed.

It's certainly better than the original !

The Shield is not the best ending ever anymore.

What happened to Steve Heisler again?

Mandatory comment to say that Breaking Bad is ending tonight and I give a shit, unlike Dexter

@avclub-0530bd878343f01904d5d9634a4f819b:disqus yeah, turns out it's a pun!

I'm french and can confirm this is really good (though there are flaws) and I'm quite proud since all we get most of the time is french cop shows (which are way worse than the average shitty american cop show, so imagine)

Masuka refuses to watch his daughter's boobs

Yes. I always enjoyed his attempts at building a relationship with Dexter, calling him "socio" and so on… It was fun and could have continued to grow somehow. Making the hypothetical reveal that Dexter is a killer more powerful.

Official Sobbing Comment.

I can see from your profile that you're a very smart and educated man, Scott.

"I think I love my brother, daddy."
"Well, that's perfectly normal ! every siblings love each other"
"Seriously? Wow, I'm so glad to get this off my chest!"