Aurelien Flieger

"There was, strangely, no apology note for season eight." lol shitty package then

I'd really like to watch a behind the scenes of this

I really don't care about filler episodes as long as they're cute and fun to watch. This one was, and I really like this season for the moment; btw, the "No questions asked" side story was legitimately funny. On a plot level, I'm not sure this is good TV; but it's awfully pleasant to watch, so I can't truly dislike

Holy shit I didn't even realize there was a difference between this zombie and the other ones. And apparently there's a red-eyed one too?

Really? Did the episode had to end with the explicit frame of the kid coming back to life instead of just ending with him falling in the shower?

oh lol i'm just reading that right now and it's awesome

That ending would have been fitting -and it's really pretty great- if after season 3 or 4, the show had progressively tried to entirely deshumanize Dexter -off course, it did the opposite-. Your ending reminds me of the one of The Shield, which proved there were more apt punishments than death. Of course, Vic couldn't

@avclub-0530bd878343f01904d5d9634a4f819b:disqus "I actually had one reader ream me out for not being fair to the writers. " link pleaseee

Most forums are basically like  "SHUT UP BEST SHOW EVER". I commented on this: http://www.dexterdaily.com/… a few weeks ago, saying 'No "none of the above" option?' and, well, people didn't seem to take it very well !

I'm not gonna hate on Phil because he's a good critic, but I'll say I'm glad someone else is reviewing the show.

Is Phil Dyess Nugent out of the picture?

"I love the show," he said, and everyone agreed that he had a point.

Cute kittens! a++.

Nothing much to blame in this season, for now. But again I've never disliked any season

So this season was good? AMC shows have to wait until their third season to become watchable then ? (not talking about BB or MM)

Oh, Argentina. That magical place where serial killers go to raise their children in peace.

It really is awesome and has the scariest monsters I've ever seen on TV.

Fringe… is kinda worth it because of seasons 2-3. It didn't remain great till the end, but it never sank. There were still good to awesome episodes most of the time in seasons 4 and 5, but I don't think they had much of an impact on me. That's my opinion.

Mandatory comment to say I really like Rowan Kaiser's work in general

Please Netflix… Make this show available I want to watch it so badly