Aurelien Flieger

I don't think I'll ever leave this thread.

At least Masuka was not in danger, since he's always been an annoying brainless pervert. (but he used to be a funny pervert though)

"You raised my brother to be a serial killer, dad!"
"But I kept you out of it, for your own protection!"
"Well, that's true. Just like Dexter, everything you do is good and selfless. You're the greatest dad, dad."

Thanks for making our lives better, Scott, you're the best. Looking forward to that Astor & Cody in Disneyland spinoff.

Calling Showtime right now for that spin off.

Sly is cool. Was. Whatever

Watching seasons 1-2, it's funny how Angel Batista was actually kind of a character. Efforts were made to develop a backstory and show the friendship between the Miami Metro staff. He was never a three-dimensional character, but he sounded like a human being. Plus he had a totally different personality

I'd say his problem is his massive ego which makes him unable to just accept praise without being a dick. But I guess it's partly his fans' fault, yes. Though I'm not sure he wouldn't be an ass if nobody liked him

I liked it, in spite of its deep ridiculousness. B-

I like bananas. (this comment was edited because not relevant anymore and I couldn't think of anything smarter to say)

I think Kanye's a musical genius but seriously what's his problem

If you watch Dexter backwards, it's about an unhappy lumberjack who flies to Miami, survives a hurricane, falls in love, but keeps meeting crazy people; becoming more and more emotionless as a result. In the end, he ends up being a really cold psychopath, and the only link to what he once was is his slight appetite

Absolutely. There's a certain lack of colors or something like that. It made everyone kinda seem old

Watching right now. At first the bomb alert seemed ridiculous, but is the bomb squad allowed to open the bag if there might be a bomb inside? So maybe not a plothole?

why is the community grade D- and not F who didn't give it a F show yourself for we must throw your body in fire

Still haven't watched it yet (I just don't have the time) but Deb saying "Don't feel guilty, you deserve to fucking be happy" or something sounds both like a parody of a Deb line and a parody of the writers' view of Dexter. 
Also, I don't wanna "remember the monsters" that are Scott Buck and co. . Nice try.

Cristin Milotti is both physically and on a character level the girl of my dreams.

who knew MCH had sasquatch hands !

I just want to thank Dave Porter for his beautiful and always chilling score. There would be no Breaking Bad without him. I'm grateful.

I've yet to watch this, but it's gonna be the best part of my day!