John Ashcroft

Agreed on the Cheesy Gordita Crunch. How dare you (AV Club) question the wisdom of Taco Bell?

Dubai, UAE

We'd better be just about to the mythology, Cyrus. The monster of the week nonsense is close to losing me. Of course, I've got the most recent episode downloaded and waiting at home, so maybe the mediocrity will turn around this evening. I remain, as always, recklessly pessimistic.

I believe JustSmileandNod also fails to see the irony of my whole political career and public persona…I mean, wasn't it obvious?


Keep Trying, Carly's Jr! You'll get there next time!

@JSAN: I never noticed that! You mean the song IS really about the person who she's suggesting it's NOT about? Man, she really screwed that up! I mean, she went to all the trouble of saying it wasn't about this person and here a silly mistake in the lyrics makes it apparent that the opposite is true!

Well said, Lobo.

Christie Brinkley: Born February 2, 1954.

Hey, this is fun! I feel we're really communicating! Those are all fair points. I think what you're failing to comprehend is that we all started with the hatred of Wetz's music and then moved on to the haircut (among other things), which is the icing on the proverbial cake. It's possible I would hate Gareth's

@Johnny: Eh, not quite close enough to draw that apology that I promised. I don't think the I can quite get behind the comparison. I think the haircuts are quite different in the quantities of gut-level annoyance they instantly inspire (in me anyway).

@Alan: I'll apologize when I see it…I seem to remember that the LC dude was less styled up. Could be wrong…just can't find anything supporting the LC to FB comparison.

Johnny: You are an ass-clown. Link me to a picture of a member of Los Campesinos with gelled and ironed hair and complementary eye-makeup and I'll apologize.

@Smack: Isn't it funny how both the bible study crowd and a certain segment of the feminist crowd would both be so much happier if the ladies just covered up a little more?

I'm with you, Danus. If a man runs a late night talk show, then he has by default agreed to adopt values that reflect the grave responsibility that he holds. And he should be strung up in the public square if it appears that he has failed to live up to those values (which we will arbitrarily define as we go along).

@SPOSP- Correct.

Yes, Smack. I hate it when girls participate in a mildly entertaining sport that involves physical contact and beer drinking. I mean, heh, what are they trying to prove, amirite? And I hate that they play up the toughness aspect! I mean, it's like they're enjoying that aspect of it!

Thanks, Chuck. Always enjoy the experience of looking over my shoulder at work (I should add that I'm currently in the Middle East) before pasting a link, then trying to examine it with a ticking "you'll get fired if someone sees this" alarm clock in my head.

Much like the coming apocalypse, this thread make me happy in a sad sort of way.

I got God-Fucked back in '87. Not fun.