John Ashcroft

@Fritzy: I come here to be myself, the way I never could as the AG.

I liked that too. I wonder how the fuck Jessica imagines the average African sleeps? That picture is the quintessential image of someone who is rich enough to be blessed with a pampered trip to Africa with handlers making sure she receives only the best, but is too sheltered by wealth to realize how lucky she is.

Thanks, Tom. I really enjoyed that.

Ahhhh!!! Cover them!

So close to zero…I was all the way down to 25 and feeling good when I saw it, like a turd on the living room rug: Meet the Fucking Spartans. I only watched half of it, trapped on the lower deck of a ferry on the way from point A to point B off the coast of Thailand, but that's no excuse. It was the single worst film

spoon is on merge

Fact: Conservatives are not now, nor have they ever been, funny.


It's all crashing down!!!! Because of Beck!!! Why!!??

Are you unemployed, Dave? I can't make any promises, but there's been some calls made…and all I'm saying is that once Phase 2 rolls out, there's a nice little spot at a Labor Camp with your name on it.

Let's all make sure Dave78 gets a nice spot at the labor camp when phase 2 rolls out. Something outdoors…where he can learn to love again.

@Dave78: A lot of what we at the AVC Comments Boards do is name calling and ridicule. You've been insightfully torn to pieces many times, but you just keep jumping to a new topic. This is because you are sure you are right. It's OK. I used to have this problem too.

Well played, O'neal. Well Played.

We cannot explain it to the non-believer, Kodiak. They have to find their own path to Whedon.

@The Strogg:

The Wire, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Lost, Sopranos, Deadwood.

Like many things, we laugh because it's funny, and we laugh because it's true.

Can they protect me from the notion that the world outside my front door is a relatively safe place?

@Fidel: Sometimes I think Chappelle is hilarious. Sometimes he gets out on a limb and I can't defend it. Sometimes it feels mean spirited and just a little racist.

He's on a panel interview at a university on The Wire special features. I assure you, he's quite British.