John Ashcroft

@Karalotz: Is there a statute of limitations on SPOILERS? I thought after all these years it had finally expired, but then again I keep pushing the show on people who haven't seen it, so naturally you're right. My bad.

The Wire Spinoffs
Every time I see someone from The Wire, be it a major player like String or on of the corner yos like Wallace, I like to think of him as having escaped West Baltimore, changed his name and begun a new life. It can make a show like 90210 that much more enjoyable thinking about all the things that

I don't think the scene was particularly racist. That being said, people on this thread who make the assertion that "Hey, it's OK to laugh at racial stereotypes! People shouldn't be so sensitive!" give me the fucking shivers.

Are you a virgin?
(a beat)
I'll bet you a million dollars that
you are! Let's end the suspense!
Is it gonna be…
(another beat)
…a white weddin?

Personally I prefer their earlier stuff, like The Moon and The North Pole or The Lonely Busy Western.

Goddammit TFAD…the cheesy production values and the hammy acting were half the point! They served to make it all the more surprising and beautiful when that show occasionally touched my withered old heart.

Make no mistake: Electric Boogaloo jokes are funny.

@KOD- Agreed.

BM can be painful. It will strain you to your limits. At times you'll wonder if it's worth it the struggle. You have to grit your teeth and find a way to finish. Afterwards you'll look back at it and see something that may disturb you, but you will know that it is nonetheless a part of you.

@ the Suttree dismissers above: It's not action packed. And you're right, it might be his least accessible book. But I'd argue that it captures his whole "does anything fucking matter at all?" question far better than the silly (compared only to his other work) violence-leads-to-moralizing-and-hand-wringing in No

OK…I always call Jack "Charlie" because he was Charlie on Party of Five. I didn't really mean to share that with the group…but there it is.

It took me until this season to realize Ben was the hero in the a-moral Lostverse. Talking Charlie's pompous know-it-all ass into doing exactly what he wanted to AGAIN? That's just par-for-course for Mr. Linus. He shows up and you think you want to kill him, then an hour later you find yourself saying "He's OK. He's

Correct, McNutty: The Wire is indisputably the best show that has ever been on television.

Singsing: Deep down in places you don't talk about at parties you know full well that Sopranos started sucking in the 4th season and in retrospect the episodes in S1-S3 that so blew our little minds back in the day are actually merely so-so compared to the quality of programming we are blessed with today.

@balaclava: Fumbles? I see no fumbles.

All of Clem Snide's shit is strange, sad and cynical and beautiful. It was kind of shocking to me to hear about him being not particularly successful.

Cruel Intentions was ultimately terrible, but for a couple of scenes Phillipe is brilliant. A pitch-perfect, rich pouty snot who you want to see die, but secretly want to be friends with. It's what he's best at.

The Child Bride: You can't stop her, you can only hope to contain her.