John Ashcroft

You will be hearing from my attorney, Leadingexpert.

I too love Phrenology. Definitely my favorite Roots album, although I know I'm in the minority there. The first track (Rock You) gets me fired up every time.

Anyone who denies the brilliance of Kid A is wrong.

I was going to mention Snoop, and now I feel compelled. The hardware store scene is one of my favorite comic/telling moments in the show. I love those scenes where "the corner" meets the world the rest of us live in and the contrast is shocking and hilarious. Snoop is smart and funny and horrifying in that scene

Huh? People liked it…just not you…not enough to even finish the second season? And it belongs on the list? I don't passionately disagree with the statement, but the argument seems a little weak….

Sunny is merely adequate. There. I said it.

Many of you are overthinking this:

A Whedon show on HBO? Brilliant idea, Lactic Acid. Let's get it done together people!

I'll step up and defend that final scene, Swibble Repairman. I don't think it was as simplistic as you make it out to be although I can see why many would misconstrue it that way. And yes, David Simon as we know from The Wire, could be described as a little overly fond of The Montage. But if you watch it again,

As usual, you are correct on all counts, TWFSM. But I must ask: Second Best?

The king stays the king.

Sherman Alexie? Really? That's who you're bringing? Wow.

DiCaprio's "you misinterpret your own religion!" speech kind of tainted Body of Lies for me. Kind of took me out of a tense, realistic movie to point where all of a sudden there was a "message". I loved that movie up until that point, but now I hate it just a little for disappointing me and I start thinking of

Looking for consensus here…Can we all agree that:

Mastablasta: I dare you to name a currently producing writer who is worthy to hold McCarthy's game-used jock strap.

Fair enough, Andy. I, on the other hand, was raised amongst the liberal, tolerant brand of Christians on the urban West Coast of the U.S. and although I know the conservative, bigoted kind is out there in droves, they're not the first ones that spring to mind for me.

that should say "of finding reasons to be jerks". Dammit.

@Dominic- No, Pastafarianism is a smug psuedo-belief mocking those who would seek to replace science with religion (e.g. the Kansas School Board). It does not mock people just because they are religious.

I feel better now. I was unfamiliar with this schtick. Thank you kind sirs. Thank you.

Thank you, Xander. Excellent Buffy reference. There are too few of those around these days.