Opus T. Penguin

I hope you're right, but Arya did start the season by committing mass murder. She's not the most stable character.

She'll always have The Big Lebowski.

Dickerson is so awesome. For those who like his smart, truly fair and balanced take on things, you should listen to the Slate Political Gabfest podcast where he shares a great weekly chat with two other super smart but much more openly partisan liberal hosts (as they don't host "Face the Nation" so can say their

I liked the, "I started having birthdays at a very, very young age" line. Nice to see some joking after that last album.

I do think single payer is a bad way to sell it. I wonder how "A Medicare option for all who want it" would poll?

Good point! Now I'm less sure of my initial statement, but maybe it's to present himself as the reasonable one to the public? I dunno.

Yes…? It's a great theme song (well, maybe not the lyrics but the tune) and Astro was awesome (suck it, Scooby!) The Eep-Oop-Ork-Ah-Ah episode was also fun when I was 8.

It's part of why he took the name Stan Lee to begin with. To keep his real name for legitimate writing (worry about anti-Semitism if he used Lieber may have been part of it too. Not at the company but among the readership.)

And Ditko too! (And Romita and then lots more.)

I'd be a lot more excited if they made a deal with Ewan McGregor first. For me he was by far the best part of the prequels.

Also don't be fooled that he gave the interview on the record by accident. He knew exactly what he was doing by giving the interview. He's trying to distance himself from what happened over the weekend and save his job (as there's been calls for his ouster all week.) He knows Trump loves bashing on China, too.

Great interview, Noel. They get shit for being ambitious (and for some overly-ambitious) but for me it suits their big sound.

Just curious, as a high school friend loved them, but I never checked them out. Where should one start with The Fall?

I'll always love Moore the most (he was MY Bond) but at times he's almost doing a different character than Craig's Bond. Craig's Bond is awesome, though.

You might not care for Tweedy's voice? It's very heart on your sleeve (Westerbergian at times).

That's interesting. Maybe because the character comes from a movie they were Executive Producers on? Or did they develop it? I loved it (especially the second season) so if they were involved creatively I wish they were involved in the other shows.

At ABC it was likely a mix of the studio and network (same owner but likely different branches) and who had overall deals with each and stuff (although Whedon just had his people do SHIELD. But for Agent Carter and Inhumans likely the more traditional route.)

The ending of the book isn't as good as the rest of it? (I read it years ago, so it's all fuzzy now but do remember that.) Hopefully they fix that!

They didn't call him a racist. They labelled him an extremist and later took it back and apologized for using that label, although remained critical of his views. They went after him for his views on homosexuality not race. He repeatedly compared gay marriage to pedophilia and bestiality. Shockingly, they thought

The movie coming out while you were in seventh grade makes me feel VERY old. But good job reading The Hobbit so young!