Opus T. Penguin

They once battled Cap'n Crunch himself!

They've been my go to (the rice and beans ones.) The veggie wrap with hummus is a new favorite, though. And only 370 calories. How is that possible?!

I saw Ricardo Montalban drinking there once, which made me very happy.

Also, turns out the Banana Republic… not a real country!

Smurf. Duh.

The finale of "How I Met Your Father" reveals the father is Donald Trump. Still not as crushing for fans as the finale of the original series.

Well, some white people do have it tough of course, even while having certain greater privileges in general. But that's not due to non-whites taking their jobs or changing their culture as FOX News keeps telling them, but rather the redistribution of wealth from the working class and middle class to the richest one

Lord of the Rings in 3rd grade is impressive! To me those were like 6th and 7th grade. Except maybe The Hobbit a year before. The Lloyd Alexander books were middle school too. I read a lot of Xanth too (have a feeling they don't hold up after the first few.) I think Robert Ludlum was the first adult books I read.

Or they'll take it as him being forced to say it but not really mean it. Like when Obama initially didn't support gay marriage when his liberal supporters knew in his heart he really did.

I'm with you. The character seems a relic from another era. Great costume design by John Romita, though!

I thought Jessica Jones was pretty great despite the pacing issues (which led to the one truly bad episode where she is attacked by the support group.) But there is definitely a lack of quality control going on.

I think Jeph Loeb oversees the TV division. And he hasn't been a consistently strong storyeller in a long time. In his defense, though, the showrunners are the ones struggling with the pacing of the seasons.

She consistently delivers shows with mass appeal, especially to female audiences. Her shows are also especially popular with African-American female viewers, who seem a bit under-represented by Netflix programming to date. If they're gonna start losing shows by major studios (like ABC/Disney) this seems a smart way

The theatre toupe doesn't pay well so he has a side job?

I thought he asked who they would say is the father. And she made it clear they no longer have to hide their incest no matter what the public may think.

I'm actually more worried about Sansa, as Arya is the better fighter. Not sure why Arya went off on Sansa, but Littlefinger seems ready to take advantage of their argument (which I'm not sure he knew about but whatever.)

Do they have any giants? I'd love to see a zombie giant vs. dragon fight. Maybe next season…

When Sam is the best man at the Jon/Dany wedding and then finds out the bride had his dad and brother burned alive, he's going to give one helluva drunken best man toast.

"Khaleesi's Heroes"

Marc Webb directed the movie "Gifted" after the Spider-Man movies, but not that many people saw it. It's a charmer with strong performances by Chris Evans and Jenny Slate. Not sure why it didn't fare better at the box office.