Opus T. Penguin

Ah. That makes sense. Thanks!

Ah. I should look at the map! Thanks!

Yeah, the shorter season is really being felt, even if some amazing moments.

So Jon couldn't have popped by Winterfell on the way north? I get that he's in a rush, but still. That seems some terrible kinging.

But isn't Dany's thing that she isn't forcing people to follow her? If the choice is, "follow me or get burned to death", it's not really a choice is it? If she had said you can join me or take the black (which yes, she wasn't able to do for Sam's dad, but maybe the others?), or lay down your weapons forever… a

And why are they letting him just hang around the castle? Shouldn't he go back by now (especially if not one Stark wants him there?) What's his reasoning for staying?

Um… they went through the magical teleportation tunnel that Davos know about as a smuggler. (It'll be in the next book?)

I'm not sure which is worse, Silver Sablinova or Blackagar Boltagon (Black Bolt's real name.) At least with Blackagar you could argue that Inhumans don't realize how lame it sounds to humans? Maybe?

Suicide Squad 2?

I assume it's pretty cheap to do. Seth Meyers nightly take is a lot funnier, though, so too bad they didn't give him a prime time half hour.

Song Reader wasn't so hot, but the project idea was fun. And overall, I've been a fan the whole way through so hope the new one's another winner.

And he gave away most of his huge fortune to charity before he died. So clearly had a good side. A complicated guy, no doubt.

Sam Simon also supposedly had major fights with Groening, so I wonder if not letting his friend on staff was part of that. Sucks all around.

That;s why Bobby put a guy on the team with an awesome 'stache.

I guess I started equating Davos and Tyrion, even though they're totally different. Thanks!

This week's confusion for me was how Tyrion was in the scene with Theon where Jon says that Dany is not there, and then Tyrion's at the battle scene. I guess Dany could've left first and Tyrion caught up (Dragon flight taking longer than boats?) but that seemed more blatant fast travel than usual.

I think the Zahn books selling really well a few years earlier really got the ball rolling (or started the slow drip that the video games built on.)

I saw the original release of Star Wars in 1977 in a theater that had a balcony and an ornate old-school theater look. I was six and we were living in Nassau County so I wonder if that's where I saw it…? I assumed it was in Queens, as I thought they had the bigger theaters but maybe not. It's all a memory of a

You're sadly probably right (with like ten TV show.) But that's much less enticing. Bleh!