Opus T. Penguin

I think we're finally moving to the point where we will pay $10-$15 a month to each major studio to be able to access their entire library (via streaming), plus maybe another $10-$15 to a grouping of indie and smaller studios. Bye bye cable! Not sure where Netflix fits in…

Let's see if the entertainment press can choose to NOT divulge the content of people's email this time, unlike the Sony leak where for some reason it was considered fair game.

Well, no, didn't Jamie send Bronn to go to it? He said he couldn't shoot it with one hand. Granted Jamie could've done that at first sight of the dragon but I guess he wanted to try the archers first as it is untested (or the writers wanted us to see the dragon destroy some shit first.)

For a second I thought Dany was going to propose she and Jon get married, as a way for him to get over his worry that his men won't follow her. Maybe still to come…?

I thought it was Bronn since they showed him eyeing a white horse right before that.

I think Arya sits on the Iron Throne. Possibly wearing someone else's face.

From what I understand in a few cases the contributions helped get access (meetings with Secretary Clinton) but didn't affect policy. The Clinton Foundation should've shut down while she was Secretary of State, though. I agree with that. The Clintons (and the Foundation) did a lot of good but they liked to push the

I took it as as taken aback at home much her little sister had changed. With worry that she is totally serious about the list business.

Yeah, I have no desire to spend time with present-day Roseanne Barr. Among other things, she's spread conspiracy theories about Seth Rich's murder. Which is vile behavior.

"Thirty Rock" and (going way back) "The Dick Van Dyke Show" are great versions of it, too.

HBO and FX probably have the best batting average these days. But I do think it's unfair to compare cable to broadcast.

A friend pointed out that the Mooch should totally do "The Bachelor". Super wealthy, recently divorced… HUUUGE ratings!

Just based on public appearances he seems to be going downhill mentally. In the 1980s and 1990s he used to be an entertaining guest on talk shows. A blowhard for sure, but a self-aware one, who enjoy playing the part and could actually be funny in that part as long as it spread his cheesy brand.

This might be a little SPOILERish about a 25 year old novel, but you should check out the alternative history novel "Fatherland" as some of the ideas in your post reminded me of it. HBO actually made a move adaption of it that was pretty good.

True, but I can understand them wanting to promote "The next show by the executive producers of Game of Thrones". Hard for a marketing department to resist that even if it bit them in the ass.

Nice! Thanks for sharing that.

Interesting! I wish they had stuck to that way of telling the story.

The Jon Snow/Tyrion scene where Jon asks Tyrion how you convince people that an enemy they don't believe in is coming to kill them all, hit a little too close to home with with Al Gore currently making the rounds with the "An Inconvenient Truth" sequel and Trump ignoring him.

Having just watched the whole series over the last month, I agree. The entire Ramsay Bolton storyline really didn't work for me. It felt like a bit of a retread of Joffrey but with even more sadism.

Agree, but thankfully even with a just okay album, there will be a tour. And live they are a FORCE. Looking forward to seeing them.