Opus T. Penguin

It was definitely after he sent the Jewish refugees on the St. Louis back to Germany.

Dawes has a really wonderful single called "All Your Favorite Bands" that made it hard for me join in that one (even if it wasn't really about the band just mocking enthusiasm for it.)

There was actually a fun documentary about the Comic Strip a few years back that had early footage of Jerry, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock and tons of other people. Good stuff for comedy nerds…

No, in the Cosby case people alleged rape was committed. Not infidelity. One is a crime, the other is a personal matter.

A goth Teen Titan.

Whoops. Missed the joke (and here I thought I had found the first Hatesong fan!)

Thanks! I will.

I thought she was a strong actress in The Guild, but yes subjective (and physical appearance is especially so, as you point out.) I think since she got known through a web series (The Guild) back when web series were kind of new, people maybe felt more protective of her? Like that band that you discovered before

She's affable, smart, a talented writer and actress, into geeky stuff, has a reputation for being kind in real life, and is also super pretty. Why would people like her at all???

I've only ever made it through almost halfway of Season 2 of Buffy. Does it get better? Fun dialogue but the show definitely feels dated (understandably at this late date.)

I never liked Hatesong personally. But LOVED Random Roles. More of that, please.

Hardwick works his ass off and seems like a sweet guy who genuinely loves the stuff he covers, so I'm a fan.

Counterargument: Wonderman in his safari jacket.

I see your point, but I feel it was huge gossip, not huge news. And not anyone's business outside the couple and their kids. The Wrap didn't need to print it and the AV Club didn't need to share the details.

"Whedon should be judged for infidelity, hypocrisy, predatory behavior in a position of power…"

I don't know if I want it to go away, but the AV Club running that prior article (trashy gossip about someone's marriage) was one of the low points in my time here. Really hoping it's not the sign of things to come.

Thanks for all you do!


I like how 1999 went from being a song that made you think about how great things will be in the future, to a nostalgic one about that great party in the past. Well done, Prince!