Opus T. Penguin

Not sure why he chose to do the whole Harvey Dent story in one movie. Too much, man!

But if you read say Anthony Lane or David Edelstein, I don't see how you come off feeling they think of themselves as objective about anything. They're super opinionated and seem aware that that's a big part of their gig and the appeal of their writing. They relish in it and their readers enjoy reading it (Lane is

I hope he's gone after the first half hour, as I also was kind of annoyed they felt they had to do so much extra work to make Spider-Man popular with people. He's Spider-Man!

Roger(s) that.

That's an interesting question. He was a FANTASTIC child actor, but at that age having a director who it seems was not at all focused on your actual performance would be tough for any kid.

I thought it was just a southern California thing, but apparently up north too! (Or did the SoCal based writers get it wrong?)

How would I have ended the show, you ask? (Oh, you didn't? Shh.)

Were people outraged about Battlestar Galactica's finale? It was okay, and seemed to make sense. For me the disappointment started when they began quoting Dylan and it slowly became clear they didn't know where they were going, so my expectations had already been lowered. But man, for a few seasons there, what a

Interesting. Is it possible it was more ignorant than racist? Stan and Jack might've just gotten it wrong? (That is, they may have been told Wakanda was a word from an African language rather than their purposefully equating Native American and African cultures as if all non-Western society's were the same?)

Except he's a professor and has written several critically acclaimed books. Not sure if you find the term scholar pretentious (as opposed to professor?) or you're anti-intellectual in general?

You're right. Mueller is working on the Russia case, where it likely will be hard to show Trump knew criminal activity was occurring within his own organization (they likely kept him out of the direct loop. Or not?) While this was for Comey to lay out for Mueller and Congress, in very explicit terms, the additional

Same. But also, who cares if he is into it? I'd say "slow news day", but it's anything but.

Meanwhile Pulp is over there on the sideline, quietly being more awesome than both of them.

Are they consulting the writer/directors on this? At least that could help avoid strange moments like when they had Caddyshack on broadcast TV and Rodney Dangerfield's "Hey everybody, let's all get laid!" got replaced with "Hey everybody, let's all take a shower!"

True but it worked for Bridesmaids. And Neighbors, and a few others. So I think they'll keep doing it despite the uneven results.

Shh. Don't blow it for him!

Good point!

Some come from privilege no doubt. Others were the kid who gave up a social life and worked super hard to get in. High schools are pressure cookers these days.