Opus T. Penguin

It sounds like it was somehow related to their page? I'm still troubled with private speech being monitored and having such incredible consequences in their lives. Teenagers were (shockingly) trying to push boundaries by saying what you're not supposed to say — knowing that no one not expecting to see it could get

Weird that the article's summary of events leaves out the fact that Maher himself apologized. Seems pretty important.

They have huge ambition and it gets away from them sometimes, but I like that they go for it and the huge sound leads to some transcendent moments.

Neon Bible for the win for me, too. I thought everyone liked the first
two albums over the next two, no? (Although the last two have tons of
great moments.)

While "Man with a Plan" is not for me, Liza Snyder's character very much seems like she could be married to Matt LeBlanc's character. Same age, both attractive, but neither maybe as good looking as they once were (Matt's especially let himself go a bit as we all do.) You can believe that she was once hot for him,

I don't think he's a racist either. Just that it was really dumb to use the n-word in this context, and for me the whole thing speaks to the side of him I find insufferable (even while agreeing with much of his politics.)

I think the writer is thinking Maher likes to think of himself as controversial and "edgy." And believes that Maher thinks something along the lines of, "I'm the bad boy of comedy, and more and more people will tune in to see what boundary I push next!"

Good to know! Thanks.

I don't know his stuff that well, but "We Are Young" was a fantastic single. So for me some talent for sure.

I think the idea that we see go from seeing Luke as the hero of the original three movies, with his discovering the force, being tempted by darkness, and ultimately not giving into the dark side — with the result of his journey being his redeeming the most irredeemable of all (his father) and saving the universe — to

I didn't know that. Oof. That's disappointing.

Nobody did it better. Or at least made it so fun. Wit, sophistication, a healthy dose of camp. A long way from the menace of Daniel Craig's modern version, but so entertaining for me as a kid. RIP.

Olbermann was SUCH a breath of fresh air when he first came on and spoke out against the Bush administration. His sharp edged ranting felt so good at the time as a liberal. But then he started having Rachel on the show and she showed you could make similar points with some humor, lots of context, and less use of the

This is great news but historically it's the older folk above the 25-54 demographic (aka the FOX News audience) who actually bother to vote in the midterms. Hope that changes.

Jake Tapper at CNN is doing a good job, too. And he's not an opinion guy, more an old school journalist doing what he can to speak some truth to power. Hope he keeps it up.

I think mostly just Ike Perlmutter. But maybe it was Kevin Feige who made Joss put those Thor scenes in Avengers 2?

U2 did a nice tribute at the Rose Bowl (Saturday.) After the opening act but before U2 went on the venue played some songs (not U2 songs) and as it was getting time for U2 to go on they blasted "Black Hole Sun". The sun had set and the whole stadium of 60,000 (I believe) sang along and broke out smartphone lights

Is "Logan" about to come out on DVD? This same story was bouncing around right before the movie came out.

That's what I was thinking, too, but Cornell is up there for sure.

I watched this the weekend after 9/11 happened to get my mind off things and having only heard it was a great documentary… oops. Not sure much could've brightened my mood but this was the very wrong choice.