Opus T. Penguin

"Last Man on Earth" could be followed by "Last Man Standing" airing after it. Sure, they likely have completely difference audiences but think of the promotional opportunities.

Really nice piece, but I didn't care for "Most of them never got the chance to experience the sort of late-career
bloom that Cornell did (or in Weiland’s case, they did but still pissed
it away)." It felt like an uncalled for attack that lacked empathy.

It worked for UTA in getting "The Salesman: an Oscar (or maybe would've won anyway and just helped secure it?)

That name made me think they were a terrible heavy metal band until recently. Turns out they're an okay alt rock band.

Dawes, despite that one time they were over-hyped here, has some amazing singles. "From a Window Seat", and the even better "All Your Favorite Bands". The latter is one of my very favorite songs of the last few years.

Leslie being mean to Kyle (and his reaction) makes me laugh. Not sure why. It's an odd sketch and I'm glad they let it on.

That's where being a renowned jerk probably comes into play (and sure, likely some ageism too, but more the first thing.)

Now that's just mean to carrots.

The reason for running through time periods is for the historian character to show she is an expert in every single time period ever, as clearly professors aren't experts in just one niche area in their field (see also the Professor on "Gilligan's Island".)

Two and 3/4 Men?

Oh wow, I never thought of that. I'm glad it got shelved then!

I'd always heard that the Stones shelved Rock and Roll Circus because they felt they had a bad night (or nights?) and got outshined by The Who.

Sure, but Chevy wrote for the Smothers Brothers, was in the Lemmings, was the breakout star of the first season of SNL, and was in Caddyshack, Vacation, and Fletch.

"Waid is still capable of writing decent comics, as his recent runs on Daredevil and Black Widow have proven." Decent? Ouch. His Daredevil was GREAT. I didn't read Black Widow, but his Archie was also super fun.

I thought Making History was a lot of fun. And it got really weird at times which I enjoyed. Totally see why it's not a network show, but I think it could've thrived on FXX (and maybe still can?)

Didn't the dwindling ratings signify that people don't want this anymore? And certainly not several times a week. Maybe this year's pilots came out particularly bad?

If I have Amazon Prime, can I download this to my phone like a podcast? Also… YAY!

Same! WOW! The part about the two silver dollars saving his life is also pretty amazing.

I've only seen him on Agents of SHIELD, where he's been not good. But not sure if that's him or the poor writing for his character (in a season that has been so much better written in general.)