Opus T. Penguin

And make it so 200,000 voters in Wisconson, mostly African-American and Democratic-leaning, find they can't vote in the election (Trump won the state by 22,000.)

The Ghost Rider character (Robbie Reyes played by Gabriel Luna) was only in the early part of the season. I did not explain that well in my original comment!

Racist with it's two Asian-American and one African-American cast member, and a recurring guest actor who was Latino earlier in the season? (Plus two adorable Europeans.)

Captain America's outfit in the first Avengers movie was awful. Really like how it looks now, though. These are not awful I suppose, but certainly a missed opportunity.

As someone who has thought there was a great jukebox musical to be made from The Pogues, called "Fairytale of New York" of course, I've been watching this story for years. Glad it's getting some momentum!

The first Shane album is quite good though ("The Snake"). After that his songwriting kind of went straight to hell. (See what I did there!)

And his blood alcohol level is at least 50% proof at all times.

Ford would run on making weed legal in all 50 states, no doubt.

The Ghost of Tom Joe(d) Versus the Volcano?

I wouldn't mind if they took longer on certain storylines before resettng things but you're right, that it's part of the show. It's funny how on "Entourage" once the guys had "made it" at the end of season two, it kept resetting to them being super successful. Here it resets to them being underdogs. Which of course

It seems I'm in the minority but I thought it was good but not great. I didn't buy Dinesh becoming a raging asshole that fast and they sorta destroyed his character for a few (admittedly very good) jokes.

I believed him in the role of Prince on "New Girl".

The studios refusing to make a fair deal before the upfronts in mid-May has the potential to cost them a lot more than what the writers are asking for (as advertisers will be less likely to pay a lot for time slots of shows that may be delayed), so hopefully it will be done before then (if it happens at all.

Is the "they" the giant media corporations who chose not to give writers a slight raise and wanted to opt out of paying for any streaming content? That's who killed "Pushing Daisies". They make billions in profit and they choose if they want to force a strike or not.

No members want to strike, they want a decent contract.

The WGA leadership did not decide to shoot for the moon but to ask companies that have made record profits off their work ($51 billion in profits) to give the writers a small pay raise, as the average salary has decreased in the last ten years. Oh, and they want their health plan to be secure.

I'm way down in the comments thread so no one will see this, but I do think this question could replace Hate Song? Seems less mean to say this person (or their persona) annoys me but wow, that's a good song.

She was Miss Golden Globe in 1982, so she'd be bringing the awards worlds together!

Look at you and your completely logical explanation. Well done!