Opus T. Penguin

When Stan Lee had the Red Skull take over Captain America's body for several issues did you feel he was being a self-hating Jew? When Mark Millar had Superman become a communist working for Stalin (a terrible anti-Semite), was he also betraying the Jewish creators of that character? Of course not in either case.

I think they could've just had Pratt get drunk and sad and say to the robot bartender that his birthday wish is to have real companionship, someone like Jennifer Lawrence's character. Then the robot bartender opens Jennifer Lawrence's character's pod to make his human guest happy. Pratt's character is indirectly

You were a smarter middle school kid than me. I was reading the Piers Anthony Xanth books. Which I'm pretty sure don't hold up very well at all (even for the intended younger audience.)

I made it through book 7. The world building just kept going and going… no end in sight.

Sincerely, he's good in "Gifted", a drama out now (although the script has a lot of humor too.) And charming as fuck. The little girl in it is wonderful too.

But he mocked her lack of intelligence several times because apparently he's a great feminist.

I've yet to read one of these and not come away disliking the "hater" more. This guy seems particularly awful.

That's my guess too. They're playing two shows at the Rose Bowl in May, so hopefully get an episode by the end of that month.

I want a sequel of "The Nice Guys" but that seems just as unlikely.

He seems to be trying in the first two. It's in "Return of the Jedi" where he really doesn't seem like he wants to be there anymore.

"…Moore, who’s made it clear over the years that he has no interest in
watching DC and its affiliates disassemble his and Gibbons’ masterpiece
of timing and structure in pursuit of movie cash."

Is it funny? Top 10 could be funny.

(Psst… You could edit it and make Some Dude look like the ignorant one. And maybe me too!)

If memory serves they did a similar joke during the OJ trial commenting on the fact that Tim Meadows had to play both OJ and Johnnie Cochran as he was the only black guy on the show at the time.

I thankfully didn't realize that while watching and just thought it was a funny odd ending. Whew.

But did you get to see LCD Soundsytem? And if so, can I Quantum Leap you?

I actually think "Paris" (the first song they played) is a fine pop song, kind of catchy and fun, but their bros of EDM thing is tough to take.

Can he really do a mea culpa on the show that let Trump be host? Also, while Colbert wasn't perhaps as obsequious, he had him on for the ratings boost too (so disappointing.)

He had claws like Wolverine but could only use them to perform circumcisions.

It would've been a lovely surprise to have her show up unexpectedly in the ninth movie. Spoilers!