Opus T. Penguin

Are you secretly Josh Tillman? This seems like something he would do.

Which of the pre-FJM albums did you like best? I haven't heard any of it so would love a recommendation.

You should track down "Real Love Baby", a beautiful one off he put out last year.

I always hear a little Billy Joe's "A Matter of Trust"in "Now I'm Learning to Love the War" from the first album .

I'm curious what you'll think. For me, it's musically really samey, unfortunately, and lacking in memorable melodies, making it kind of boring to listen to full through for me (and it is looooooong.) He seems to have made an entire album of "Bored in the USA" style songs when I was hoping he'd keep going in the

♪♫ He grows the beard that grows way down
He will rise above
Don't call me Leno, not fit to
The Emmys won will remind me ♪♫

Their mistake was not going with the Diet Pepsi Wild Cherry. That stuff is so amazing it would bring protestors and cops together, and no one who watched would be offended as they'd all know it's true.

As a kid I did this with "heart" and "fart" (with "Owner of a Lonely Heart" being the best.)

Not sure about them having "a keen collective eye for stunning visuals,” but they are really good screenwriters and successful producers.

During the Democratic National Convention they had Bernie supporter Sarah Silverman and Hillary Supporter Al Franken appear together to show unity (during which Sarah called the Bernie or Bust people "babies.") And then together they introduced Paul Simon who sang "Bridge Over Troubled Water". I was really hoping

Hopefully "Legion" has shown you can go to very different places with the X-men characters on TV (I still have a few episodes to go… no spoilers!)

That 2nd local comic shop sounds amazing. And hopefully a model for the future of the business.

No Roger, no Rerun, no rent!

Your probably right. The major events being delayed during their run is such an odd thing to me. It seems to happen all the time. I loved Secret Wars but that did really hurt the momentum.

It felt to me the exec was reporting on what the retailers were telling him. They are the ones who surmised what their audience didn't like. Unless I read it wrong.

I really enjoyed hard-of-hearing Captain America from his Uncanny Avengers run (part of the storyline you liked too.)

In his defense, I think he is trying to write an all-ages book that younger readers could enjoy. Like his Archie stuff. (Or… it's just overly simple and not great.)

I think they could do other books if the feel is completely different — like Paul David did with X-Factor. A detective company of quirky mutants was far from the world-saving main group and so it worked. Limited crossovers helps too.

The size of the cast is pretty crazy. I think they could have a few characters retire (almost getting extinct seems a good reason for a break for some) and just focus on a more manageable cast. It's hard to have strong character moments when you're trying to service 20 main characters (Paul Levitz managed to do it

Interesting. He has come off as pretty insufferable in interviews (not a small ego) but he does usually make me laugh when he's acting.