Opus T. Penguin

Good point!

Is there a reason this review says"The script—credited to William Wheeler, Jamie Moss, and Ehren Kruger…" rather than "The script — written by William Wheeler, Jamie Moss, and Ehren Kruger…" It does not say "credited director Rupert Sanders" when he is discussed but just "director Rupert Sanders" (nor should it but I

I thought he was commenting on what he sees as the over-prescribing of Paxil and other antidepressants, which often are used to make people feel more calm, or at peace (Pax). I thought it was pretty blatant but I could be totally wrong (it's full name in the movie is "G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate", which is even closer

The first movie had the thrill of seeing the gang together for the first time, which is hard to beat. And Loki was a lot more fun to watch than Ultron. But I personally find James Spader to be annoyingly hammy in most things he's done in the last 20 years, so that hurt it for me. (Tony Stark should also have gone

I could never get that into "Firefly" despite liking "Buffy" a lot, and thought "Serenity" had a weird anti-antidepressant medication subtext. Felt like something you would see from a Scientologist rather than a thoughtful person like Whedon.

I thought Ike Perlmutter was more the heavy hand interfering at Marvel (like not allowing a female led film), but maybe it's more Feige?

I always remembered that with Ebert if the movie had a sexy young actress it sure helped get the thumbs up. (Among other things. See what I did?) I think Siskel would give him a hard time about it (another terrible pun!)

This is a family film. Probably not a great one, unfortunately, but they're definitely a much wider target audience than Legion or Logan. I'm not sure I'm going to bother to see this in the theater either.

Playing the Vulture after playing Birdman is good fun too. Next he can play Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law…

But Sully is played by Stan, right? And Steve Ditko as his co-pilot? PLEASE!

Well, he did help save the world once at the end of The Avengers, and befriended a cute kid in Iron Man 3, but then he created Ultron which (who?) killed tons of people and avoided jail time for some reason… and then brought a minor (a slightly older cute kid) to join a violent confrontation of super beings… so a

Plus some dating hijinx and some fun with hot Aunt May and Tony? But yeah, that sounds close. I'm annoyed they showed so much as it actually makes me less likely to want to want to see it now (and I was pretty excited to do so after Civil War.)

He gets a lot of flack for his recent work (see Civil War II, all criticism deserved,) but Torso is one of the better things Bendis has done. Up there with Powers, Alias, Daredevil, and Ultimate Spider-Man. Seems like they have a good team together too. Fingers crossed…

I think it was supposed to be Larry David for the next Sam Raimi one before he quit/got the boot.

The spoilers are in the post-credits scene in the teaser for the trailer of the trailer.

Great piece, O'Neal. Hope we get more longer pieces from you (the short funny ones are appreciated too, of course.)

It sounds like I'm about the same age and we definitely looked down on people who were into hair metal. And cheesy bands from a few years before like Journey (who managed to go from being considered cheesy and bad, to ironically "liked", to actually liked by people. Well done, Journey!)

I know that guy. He's on The Simpsons sometimes!

I thought "Greenberg" was about Gen Xers to some degree too (in middle age, dissatisfied), but this one probably more so.

I would think it could get you in a lot of trouble with more episodes per season. For example, a romance between two characters may clearly not be working as the actors don't have chemistry but you'd be stuck with it if the entire season plot relied on their romance.