Opus T. Penguin

Interesting. While I was definitely let down by the finale (and a lot of the last season in general) I thought the characters and their interactions were hugely compelling even without the mystery aspects. I was watching more for that than the mystery (but did assume the mystery would have a much better payoff.)

Oof. That sounds very David Goyer. Grim and gritty way past the mid-90s burnout point.

Wendy and Marvin rule! Wonder Twins drool!

No love for your so-called Amazing Friend, Iceman? Spidey, you've grown cold. (See what I did there?)

You definitely should not watch Eastbound & Down then. Or Archer. They have actors (one a voice actor) pretending to be douchey guys (some of us enjoy it. But different strokes!)

The new album (coming out soon) has less melodies so I'd start with either of the first two (I like the 2nd one more, but both great.)

The former means it has the potential to be coveted while the latter is actually coveted.

It's a persona he plays with. A fun one if you go with it.

He's got an album coming out and a publicist.

I love him (especially after seeing him live) but the new album is a bit of a letdown. I wanted him to keep going in the "Real Love Baby" direction but instead it's an album almost all in the vein of "Bored in the USA". Some good moments for sure but some it gets a little samey (and the song are SO long.)

Don't forget the final sketch of the night which they allow to be the weirdest.

You can always tell if it's bad if someone falls down a lot. For some reason whoever makes trailers thinks people falling down is hilarious.

Just Kiss League? (Really Soft porn.)

It is one of the worst names but thankfully a good band (I only have the latest album but liked it a lot.)

Does this mean Arcade Fire has a new album coming out? Been a while…

It's Bittersweet, isn't it?

The tax returns may not be that important in the end but certainly the "Russia thing" is. If his campaign changed the Republican platform to be less harsh on Russia (it did) in return for their releasing the hacks on Hillary, then they should be in jail and possibly have committed treason. So keep following that

It has to do with the Internet's reaction to the story. So right column, no? I thought it was a well written piece even if I don't agree with that very last sentence.

I think getting to all that might've been fine if she started out by showing what they had. A scoop, but hardly a smoking gun. Give the actual news first (it was news but not ground-shaking) and then get to the further context and then conjecture. She played it as theater. Bad theater with a disappointing reveal.

It's sad no one says making whoppie anymore.