Opus T. Penguin

For a kid it made being an adult seem really fun. Probably because Ritter could be such a big kid often.

Don't forget SOAP. Also, those shows, despite their faults were all-ages shows.

Also, no longer on Youtube is the Larry Gelbart pilot. It surfaced in 2013 but seems to have been taken down at some point, unfortunately. Ritter is in it but different actresses for his roommates (and then a 2nd Gelbart pilot with Joyce DeWitt, if I'm remembering correctly. Although maybe he was gone by that

Is that true? Good to know! Come here for the offensive audition scripts, leave with fashion tips!

If It's Andy Samberg doing his Mark Wahlberg I'd be okay with it.

Also, JJ Abrams' dealer misspelled his drug order and that's how we got Snoke.

Erin Levy wrote the episode. Hopefully there's compensation and some recognition (surprised the article didn't giver her any.)

That's true. Why choose to tell this story if you know doing so is going to have to cause you to whitewash.

Without Scarlett Johansson in the lead would the film get made? It's been in development hell forever before this.

"The legendary director has already written the next installment…"

For me Walking Dead posits that humans would become monstrous towards other humans if the rules broke down. Here, they say humanity would become bored, a little annoying, sometimes sad, sometimes silly, but still in the end treat each other okay. It's a lot more hopeful that way, even if depressing sometimes too.

"Credited writers Liz Cackowski and John Solomon really tip the hat in the moments before Lewis’ death and it neuters the shock of it."

I know it's unlikely but I'd love Melanie Bird to be revealed to be an older Emma Frost.

And Pink Floyd with the Syd reference.

It felt forced (way too quick) for me in that first episode but I really think it worked great after that.

I think he realizes that the combination of The Donald in the White House and Arnold in the Senate would signal the End of Days.

But they made sure to give the radiation the same sound effects as the Fantastic Four had in their first appearance (the sound of cosmic rays… TAC TAC TAC), so you know it's legit!

For some of us, when commenting on Newswire articles it now takes you to the wrong comment page, it creates a window on right of the screen that is smaller (thinner) and then smooshes (technical term) the comment responses further and further to the right. So each line just contains a few characters before a new line

How do I get to the 101 comments (so far) on the Pearl Jam article? I clicked on it but got taken here.

It's weird they don't have a smartphone app. Where it would be easy to comment from your phone. Odd.