Opus T. Penguin

The comments are no longer right under the artcle but instead you have to hit the comments button (not a biggee.) Then a window opens on the rightmost third of my laptop screen and scrunches the comments further and further to the right. So the last line I see above this is "and further to the right." That's all

I think the giant pile of Ben 10 money probably helps soften the blow.

The comments community here is one of the main draws of the site, so odd they would jeopardize it with a bad change like this. Bummer.

The review made it sound really good, but then gave it a B. Maybe a B is very good?

Also, you have Luke calling Danny out on being privileged, which helps with some of the mighty whitey issue.

Worse than the Jessica Jones episode where the support group attacks her? That's pretty bad!

I'm surprised Disney hasn't put out their classic library of books this way. It would be an amazing way to get kids hooked on comics and their characters. Especially with the Uncle Scrooge TV show relaunch, the Carl Barks books seem a perfect match.

Except he was writing Spider-Man and Fantastic Four at the same time, and those were great.

I read Vengeance! It was odd in parts, but refreshingly so.

I would've rather have had some actual fans talk about it in more detail, but it did make me smile that no one tried to correct David when he called himself a loser. Harsh!

No love for Loaded? White Light/White Heat is my least favorite of the originally released albums but I think I'm in the minority there (I even like VU more.)

I'm a fan of the Viola Femmes, even if most people only know the first album.

The Squeeze loving sect is the smallest, no doubt.

I think Entertainment Weekly almost always has bad covers, but this does seem especially bad. Especially as they should save that X on the bottom for an X-Force movie (Shatterstar!)

I miss Dynamite magazine.

Two spaces after a period or one? Two. Always two. But I hit enter and it becomes one. FIre the programmers!

If you can afford it make a donation to Planned Parenthood, the National Organization for Women, or a lesser known group such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline (helping male victim's too, but more women as they are more likely victims)…

How about $10 per month to each major studio for access to stream their entire library? But I just type in the name of the show/movie I want to watch, and it automatically knows which studio it's from. Then another $10 for some bundled indie studio product. And people who want sports or news pay for those bundles.

Yeah, that's pretty shitty. Especially as the original Alien was based in part on the Crohn's disease of the writer (the whole, um, stomach issues thing.)

Fun concept, pretty funny in parts, charming cast, made me want to watch more… well done! And glad to see FOX continues to keep things a little weird (or at least open to the weirdness that Lord and Miller sell them on.)