Opus T. Penguin

I think it's the The Archmage of the Aether, right? I haven't seen him in days.

It hasn't been good since [fill in whenever you were in middle school]!

As others pointed out, not really a plot hole but the watch Holly gets as a gift from the gross Harry Ellis becomes important later in the movie (plot wise and thematically) so I guess they were using watches as a motif of some sort.

That's some impressive talent but I really wish the art was more Carl Barks. It's not as bad as when Marvel made comic book Howard the Duck look like his movie counterpart rather than his classic comic book self, but this is still a revision that seems unnecessary and uglier. Glad it's still 2-D at least.

Thanks for sharing. If you're concerned with privacy of the therapist, although it sounds like they were public about parts of their life, change some of the details to make them less identifiable (maybe gender, age, country mentioned.)

Les Moonves, the guy who has had one of the most successful runs as a network president ever, and yet history will likely only remember his saying about Trump's candidacy (and all the money from the high ratings Trump coverage brought in), "It may not be good for America, but It's damn good for CBS."

I think he was understandably annoyed by the situation (possibly blaming Beatty in the moment, thus the ripping the card away) but they'd won a lot already and so the underdog (who had become his friend) winning the final prize was still a good thing.

Right? It totally should've been "Arrival".

They could make it a podcast, no? Surprised they haven't yet (or if they did, I missed it.)

I thought the pilot was too long (and yet the romance rushed) and the 2nd episode a bit slow, but I thought things got cooking in the third one as it comes together.

It felt like a mix of Chris Rock interviewing regular folks (mostly black) about their thoughts on the nominees, and Ellen having pizza delivered to the awards themselves. Like let's see what non-celebrities think about this silly thing we do but also watch them freak out over famous people. It wasn't as strong for

Sounds like Ronnie Hawkins kept living a pretty colorful life even after the members of The Band left him. Hope she gets going on the memoir…

For those who saw La La Land… what happened at the end of the show tonight is a lot like the end of the movie. With the fake-out happy ending. Spooky!

I always like this comedy bit but it did feel like Jimmy REALLY would've loved to get a mean tweet from The Donald during the show to end the segment with it.

They screwed over a legendary filmmaker. Which is pretty awful. But he did make "Rules Don't Apply", which was also awful and me and other people paid money to see it in the theater so… KARMA!

"Wicked awesome!" - Boston Globe review

It's interesting because for me, jazz is such a mainstream and historic art form that I didn't find it offensive or even think much of it that the white guy wanted to go back to a specific era of jazz (white privilege too blinders, possibly.) But if it had been something more recent like hip hop and the white

It felt super quick to me as well. So quick I thought David was being manipulated again. I wonder if we're going to find out her real body isn't so pretty, or is a guy, and she can switch from one to the other more permanently than shown.

If they can touch in the memory world,as explained in this episode, they could probably figure out a way to be intimate at some point.

David could have unconsciously telepathically convinced them to let her stay?