Opus T. Penguin

I wish they could reveal she was Emma Frost, but she's probably too big a character for them to use her on the show.

The commercial breaks during the pilot were super irritating. Definitely ruined the flow. They seem to be doing better with the regular length episodes.

Except his character is supposed to be a little bit over-the-top and stuck in the past and a pain in the ass. So his saying how to do jazz "right" carries less weight, no?

"Arrival" has made more if you include international box office, but certainly in the USA, "Hidden Figures" has made a lot more.

I thought Hugh Grant was great too.

How did she take two spots? Also, Viola Davis was the lead actress in Fences (even won the Tony for Best Lead Actress in the Broadway revival) but did a sneak around going for a Supporting Actress Oscar even though the part is the same in the movie. She should've run in the category too, which would've made it even

The character of Annie Hall is a lot more iconic than Kay, even if she's great in both. She epitomized the modern single woman for a generation (along with Mary Richards on TV.)

"Annie Hall" is considered the best of the movies made by one of the funniest writer/directors in film history. Everyone who loves movies remembers "Annie Hall". It was somewhat recently voted the funniest screenplay of all time by the Writers Guild of America membership.

I feel it was the album where they moved away (somewhat) from their original sound. Poppier, bigger production, less folky… kind of the 2nd era of the band for me if still definitely them.

But it's supposed to be a bad title, no? Kind of mocking (lightly) the one woman shows that so many actresses put up in L.A.

What about "Charmin Police"? A sad tale about those who monitor whether the toilet paper is rolled over or under.

I could see that. The earlier stuff was better. They were still pretty amazing live back then, though.

I agree it's too long. But feel it would've made a great regular length LP.

The surviving member of Milli Vanilli appreciates you trying to take that title from them.

Yeah, the line "I listen to 2015’s Girls In Peacetime Want To Dance, and I can’t for the life of me imagine a 15-year-old who could become fixated on this music." confused me.

But if you liked Out of Time… For me that's the worst of that mid-period. While Automatic for the People was far from their original sound but pretty wonderful.

I guess Spencer never listened to the lyrics of "People are People" at all? Also, sadly, I agree with him about "Black Celebration". Especially the version with "But Not Tonight" at the end as it's the sunshine coming in again after a dark night.

The more they hire Not David Goyer the better too. He seems such a left-over of the 1990s Wizard/frat bro era of comics.

I do like how Nightwing has become known for his butt the same way Power Girl is known for her bust. Objectification for all. We've come so far!