Opus T. Penguin

I'm glad Doctor Strange won as Ditko's design, which they stuck to for the most part, is one of the best. Not as good as Ditko's Spidey design, but a classic.

Trump has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He's done the talk show circuit for decades and starred in a hit TV show.

Now the world knows that Maher thinks banning trans people from bathroom isn't "unreasonable" as he said himself.

I enjoyed him until I heard him in interviews where he came off super smug. Maybe caught him on bad days or he was doing a bit and I missed it. Rachel is wonderful, though, so hope this turns out well.

I think Daisy hurts herself when using her powers? So has to limit it? Otherwise she would just toss people around (like that guy with the at the end of the Legion pilot.)

I'm still confused by that too. Maybe it was 4 LMDs in that side of the base, not just what is pictured? And later 1 LMD in the other section of the base? It seems like a huge cheat. As saying 3 last week and us not knowing which 3 for a little while could still be suspenseful.

Also, Brando wanted Jor-El to be a bagel in "Superman".

I like him, too. Although character-wise, the Thor in the movies is a lot closer to Hercules of the comics (who is usually a lot more fun than Thor.)

Also, Greedo is greedy. That said, I always liked the Luke S. for Lucas.

I like Poe, but Snoke is pretty awful.

Trying to use public platform to raise millions for AIDS relief, speaking up for human rights issues for decades, helping achieve debt relief for third world nations, daring to give a compliment to a politician to encourage them to keep supporting a good cause… what a jerk!

But in L.A. tons of baristas and waiters/waitresses are actors as it allows people the flexibility to switch shifts and go on auditions so it made sense in this case.

The character is unhappy there and treated badly by her boss. Compared to how people react even in freeway traffic in the movie it's not a happy place.


Invented by Ann Nocenti and Art Adams, actually.

How is he live? I'm a fair-weather fan but he's playing a venue I like this summer. Thoughts?

Paste-Pot Pete?

Marvel was pretty bro-fratty in the 1990s up until Quesada got kicked upstairs, but that seems to have passed. And it seemed more dumb shit talking than anything. I don't see it in the film and TV world though. Especially when they're putting out stuff like Ant-Man, Jessica Jones and Legion.

Wilco’s Solid Sound Festival seems like something I would love, so hoping they one day do a west coast version (although Chicago seems more likely.)

So when Indonesia, Pakistan, and Turkey had female prime ministers and presidents (in Indonesia's case) they were serving in a bag? These Muslim majority nations elected female leaders. As did others. Not sure how that fits with your calling it a "religion that hides its women in bags."