Opus T. Penguin

I agree. I do think if NFL players, all of them, refused to play in the Superbowl this weekend to protest the banning of Syrian refugees (who have been more than well vetted by this point) it could make a difference.

Lem is on "Timeless" now. Well, it's the same actor. But fun to believe he used to go by the nickname Lem when he worked at Veridian Dynamics.

Here's a reminder…

I just looked it up. The ratings are pretty awful and declining. My guess is the show's fate will depend on how the pilot development season goes for ABC.

Both Mays have memories of their mom with the same name, so they can do the "Why did you say that name?!" part too.

I'm liking this half of the season more than the first, but overall the show has improved mightily this whole season. Good to see. Especially since I continue to think it was a big mistake to let Adrianne Palicki go (and Nick Blood too.) They recovered from that loss really well.

I don't think he's ever going to be in the movies again as they'd have to stop and explain it to the majority of the audience.

I'm with you as well. I thought he meant he was in charge of the mission but I assumed working for someone else. Maybe we're going towards Fitz's dad being the bad guy? All that Fitz back story exposition seemed really forced and out of nowhere to me. As if they needed filler for the episode and didn't want to

I thought we might be getting LMD Ward at some point but it hasn't happened yet. The villain is pretty lame at the moment (the Russian dude) so hopefully there's more to it.

And it's really nice to see him seeming to have a good time with the role.

Obligatory, "They stole the idea from Marvel's Damage Control!"

What does it say about Judge Gorsuch's commitment to the Constitution if he's willing to accept the nomination that only occurred due to Congress ignoring what's written in the Constitution.

I really hope the song samples Ted Knight's amazing narrator voice.

I don't know much about Spencer as a person, but I'm sure he had an ending to the story when he pitched it, as Marvel really wouldn't let him do that big a move without being able to put the genie back in the bottle. So not sure about the lack of forethought. It sounds like Spencer has pissed off a lot of people so

Huh. I really liked Superior Foes of Spider-Man, and his Ant-Man (the former a bit more, but I think he had more room to work with the characters.)

That's interesting inside baseball stuff about Perlmutter. Thanks for sharing.

Only if they can get the right writer. I heard rumors of Gaiman a few years back, which would be amazing. I also think Slott would make it super fun as an all-ages book.

I think the style of the art is childlike so seems wholesome. Just as part of the original novelty of South Park was they looked like cute Peanuts characters.

Or not that group but care about any of those people. As they are fellow humans and all.

If only Kirby could write dialogue as well as he did everything else (huge ideas, action, costumes, etc.) Sigh.