Opus T. Penguin

I think the name Captain Marvel makes it hard for Marvel to resist trying to make her a star.

I don't think kids are the main audience for Marvel comics, nor have they been for a long time. And if a kid can actually find a comic shop and walk in the people who work there can point him to hundreds of all-ages issues of Cap that are good reads (I'd start them with the Roger Stern/John Byrne trade paperback.)

The guy who let Chris Claremont publish the issue that called the out on the mistake?

What is the offense? I'm not getting it. The character is basically brain washed at the moment. It's clear from the story that this is not the Steve Rogers we've known forever as he's been recreated to be loyal to Hydra. I can see not caring for the idea, but I don't see the offensiveness at all.

And Stan (also Jewish) had the Red Skull (an actual Nazi character) take over Cap's body for several issues. Body-swapping or being resurrected but corrupt due to the Cosmic Cube, are part of comics. These characters need to be taken down new paths to keep it interesting. And it's been a fun story. The idea that

How was putting Bendis, their most popular writer, on the X-men books a way to make them less popular? Or is it a more recent strategy in your eyes? (Bendis was put on the books around when this conspiracy theory that the major corporation is out to lose money began.) Why would they put out an Old Man Logan book

Jason Aaron with Chris Bachalo on art. The art is a fantastic fit, if occasionally (but only occasionally) a little hard to follow. This version of Doctor Strange is a little closer to current Tony Stark than usual, but it works well.

Was it any good? Season 2 was my favorite. I didn't love the season 3, 4 was a huge mess, and 5 was about Season 3 levels of okay again.

Or a tighter script to start with and less hoping the improv will be funny enough?

Glad it's great for kids. I was a kid when I saw the original, but it felt is skewed slightly older? (Like 12 year olds.) In any case, very cool that your girls have funny women starring in a movie that's not about landing a man (except only jokingly with Chris Hemsworth.)

I agree. I kind of wonder why they went forward with it without getting the script to be funnier first (well, $, I suppose was the reason to go forward with it.) The plot was fine, if a little bit of a mess (my guess is the dance sequence in the credits was originally in the movie itself) but needed a lot more

All the Supreme Court Justices had moms named Martha and segregation ended. It was quite moving.

Or to live in one where they're able to travel freely.

I want go to one where I know how to pronounce Sienkiewicz (last name, of comic book legend Bill.)

Wow, that is one hyperbolic click bait headline!

Doctor Strange has been really fun if taking way too long to tell it stories (it'll read better in the trade paperback and all that.)

I'd watch Agents Of A.I.R.P.L.A.N.E..
Agents of American Indians Revolting Psionically Less Anyone Notice Existence!

That's really great. Thanks for the link (and of course it made me miss the Obamas who are sitting next to Paul.) Also Paul was only 20 when the song came out, so not quite as icky.

"Well, she was just 17. You know what I mean…" That song doesn't make the cut? I guess that band wasn't really big enough to get a mention.

"More like Saturday Night Dead, amirite?" — Some Guy in 1977.