Opus T. Penguin


Which of the four advisers (Horsemen?) do you think Trump will dump first? Conway, Bannon, Priebus, or his son-in-law (who seems safest.) I have to assume it's Priebus. Let's see if he makes it through the first 100 days…

I thought the boredom would come too, but maybe lots of folks don't pay much attention to the news? So they get a much smaller dose of him, even if it's more than they usually get about a politician.

More likely they save a big sack of money. Multi-cam shows are cheaper.

These are all new ideas, no?

Man's a legend. Be fun if they ever do a Random Roles kind of feature on him.

Oh wow. I never heard Johnny's side of it. Thanks for sharing.

It's my favorite drama. Like all shows, not every story line works, but it's all so richly told that even the not as strong episodes leave you happy to be in that world.

I thought the ending was fantastic. I don't know if his path getting there (leaving the other characters, searching for that waitress, wandering around) had to be so long as it didn't all play that well.

After being so drunk he hit on his adult daughter, Sally Draper, when she tried to get him to go home from the bar. (I made it sadder!)

Yeah, although if Hillary had won it would be a line about Don reacting to a female president. And people would complain about that line, too.

Ah, poor Bobbi Barrett. Such an ugly scene.

I have issues with it almost every day. I can't ever see my upvotes or replies by just clicking on my account at the top of the home page. I have to click on the AV Club button by my profile name at the top of a comments section, which takes me back to the home page, and then open another article to see my upvotes

I always saw Patrick Warburton as the perfect Captain Marvel, but Hamm would work too (thought he'd make a good Hal Jordan, but maybe too old now.)

And he had that huge role on "Last Man on Earth" too!

His major romantic relationship ended (they were basically married) and he's had some addiction issues, so that can sap your confidence.

Except for Clooney being the exception? I thought Josh Holloway from "Lost" was going to be a movie star for sure (at least star as the X-men's Gambit), so I don't disagree with you.

I thought he'd be a big movie star by this point, too. Or at least doing some interesting indies.

Mary and Lou? Because the writers wisely never went there? KInd of like the Liz Lemon/Jack Donaghy relationship.

I like "What About Bobbi?" better.