Asshole of Green Gables

Paul Krugman is a faux-liberal mouthpiece of the corporatist Democratic Party Establishment who does the bare minimum necessary to maintain some shreds of liberal street cred. If you want to hear from REAL liberal thinkers who have refused to jettison their principles in homage to His Lordship Barack Fucking Obama

This is the most uncool thing I have heard or seen in quite some time. The CBGB shirt was a nice touch. So perfectly unedgy and unoriginal, like the music.

I remember that episode of Austin Stories that was built around the premier of Speed 2.

I bought a Skeletonwitch CD a few days ago. I am a person who buys music.

The review makes this sound like the most metal movie ever.

Network TV news is an arthritic zombie kept alive by baby boomer nostalgia. I consider it a legacy form of media that is worse than useless. It will die off with the last of the boomers and never return, and nobody with a functioning brain will mourn its passing. I'll also add that liberal boomers' infantile and

That picture looks like it was taken from a box of Tampax circa 1978.

This is how vampires are supposed to be. It's a reanimated corpse. It's supposed to be weird and gross. It's not supposed to be sexy.

Frontline is still good sometimes. They exposed that scumbag Lanny Breuer at the DOJ as the corrupt Wall Street stooge that he is. He resigned within 24 hrs of the airing of the show. Of course he just passed through the revolving door and returned back to his old white-collar law firm(Covington and Burling) and

American television news is a complete fucking joke. It needs to go away, and it will soon, because the average age of the viewership is over 60. When TV news is gone, it will stay gone, and good riddance.

I've always thought "Wind of Change" was a decent song and it's aged pretty well. For some context, it came out a few weeks before Temple of the Dog's "Hunger Strike," which was adored at the time of its release but has aged horribly and is an embarrassing discredit to the human race. Power ballads are probably the

I too thought that description sounded amazingly appealing – enough so that I actually listened to the songs based solely on that description. The songs are just "meh" though.

"Sexxx Dreams?" “Jewels N’ Drugs?” Boring sub-Madonna kitsch. Next album MUST be titled Gaga: She Wolf of the SS.

I can't recall ever knowing any avid ska fans who weren't obnoxiously Anglophilic. They've always been the type of people who would laugh like hyenas at some hacky unfunny British comedy, and when you point out that the shit really isn't particularly funny, they tell you "You just don't understand British humor."

Yes? Pearl Jam is a gentrified dad-rock hybrid of Grand Funk Railroad and Bad Company. There's no way they could have passed for grunge if they came out of Cleveland or Des Moines or Atlanta or anywhere but Seattle.

I make no apologies for disliking the whole genre of ska. It's annoying children's music beloved by annoying Anglophiles.

Punk is a complete waste of time now. It's either watery commercial crap or hidebound classicist shit that treats the genre as a musicological exercise. Both suck.

Pretty much agree. If "keeping it real" is a metric of vitality, then punk rock is as dead as the Confederacy.

20+ years after their debut, Pearl Jam is still incorrectly labeled grunge. PJ only got lumped in with grunge by virtue of coming from Seattle.
If PJ had come from Cleveland, Ohio do you really think anyone would
have called them a grunge band?

Grunge was basically "let's meld Black Sabbath with punk rock to make something way more modern and cool than either!" Didn't work out in the long run. Grunge is embarrassingly dated and irrelevant while Sabbath still sells out arenas. Grunge's moment in the sun was entirely due to hair metal being so degraded and