Asshole of Green Gables

Been watching youTube clips and reading plot synopses, that's all. The angle of "Norman isn't crazy, the buses are real" seemed like a super obvious writer's trick to me even on limited info. It's a stock scriptwriting device: the character everyone thinks is crazy but is really perfectly sane. Thora seemed to

I think the writers needed to give her one piece of luggage because otherwise all ambiguity would have been destroyed. It would have been way too obvious if she had shown up looking like Norman, who was dressed for his own funeral and carrying no luggage. Better to leave multiple interpretations available to the

Is it? Thora played the end scene like she finally understood that Norman wasn't crazy. The buses had been running all along, she just hadn't been able to see them until now.

What is the bus then if not the exit out of this world? It seems that the bus is invisible to all except the dead and people who are ready to die. The miserable old man Norman watches the bus driving by for two years but it won't stop for him while he remains living. He literally sees it. Maybe he can't commit

It looks that way. I haven't seen but a few parts of the movie but to me it looks like Enid watched Norman's spirit pass into the next world and decided to follow. I need to see the whole movie now.

Is it tragic? I haven't seen the movie but it seems obvious to me that if you're committing to practicing solidarity with the "creeps, losers, and weirdos" of the world then you have to accept that it will become an increasingly lonely road as time goes by. If you didn't know that going in then you didn't give the

I've never seen this movie but I might check it out now. I assumed it was just some hipster-marketed drivel but it appears there is more to it.

I never got Son Volt. It's just sounds like bad R.E.M. songs with shitty singing and some fiddle and steel guitar slapped on top.


Possible real-life twist: Kevin Costner was diagnosed with a fatal illness, and the executive producers of this movie had access to an experimental cure created by a mad genius doctor in Brazil. Costner was offered access to the cure, on condition that he do the movie.

The Phil Lynott statue in Dublin is the best heroin-addict statue I've seen.

What is there to get? Everybody knows Kurt Cobain's gift to a generation of young Americans was teaching them that it was Hammertime. Is that not enough?

Smells Like Teen Sculptor. I suppose you could argue that an amateurish sculpture is more punk/DIY than a professional-looking one and Kurt might like that. That's the only positive spin I can put on it.

I like his pro-hate stance on a platonic level but he needs to be more discriminating about it.

This is fine, but if you want to hear a more metal version of this sound there's this weird Finnish guy who records under the name Deformed Elephant Surgery and has been doing this type of stuff for a few years now. He has a bunch of his stuff on youTube.

An endless parade of stunt-casted sexy guest stars as potential fuck partners for the principals is possibly the most disreputable of all sitcom tropes created by Friends, and it's appalling that anyone would want to revisit that shit in the year 2014, or ever.

Poor Janeane Garafolo has to fill her spare time somehow. She used to spend it protesting criminally stupid wars and assaults on the Bill Of Rights, but she mysteriously lost interest in all that stuff shortly after January 20th, 2009.

That's a shitty excuse, and it sickens me when I hear self-described liberals cite it. It's "Hey, these soldiers were dumb enough to volunteer to get killed or maimed in senseless wars, so it's their fault." You wouldn't find ANY liberals who talked that way during the Bush years.

Ah, progress: today our politicians only selfishly sacrifice the lives and limbs of soldiers in the thousands instead of the tens of thousands. That's cold comfort if you're a guy who got his legs blown off in the 2012 Afghan fighting season so Barack Obama could still be President.

Same shit as today. Sleazy politicians view the lives of peasant/soldiers as expendable assets to further their own political careers, and they always will. Case in point — U.S. forces in Afghanistan were suffering horrendous casualties in the summer of 2012(though you wouldn't have known it from the scarce media