Asshole of Green Gables

Is this really a horror movie?   It has a happy ending.  Seriously, it does.  At the end of the movie Rosemary is actually into the idea of raising the Devil's child.   You can see the beginnings of her becoming a devoted mother to this child, and her financial problems are certainly over.   The mother of the

Is this really a horror movie?   It has a happy ending.  Seriously, it does.  At the end of the movie Rosemary is actually into the idea of raising the Devil's child.   You can see the beginnings of her becoming a devoted mother to this child, and her financial problems are certainly over.   The mother of the

Comedy is a lot funnier when you don't have to listen to people laughing at it.

Comedy is a lot funnier when you don't have to listen to people laughing at it.

Yeah that one caught my fancy too.  I'm guessing it's an enhanced form of decadence that requires you to wipe your ass afterwards.  That's seriously decadent.

Yeah that one caught my fancy too.  I'm guessing it's an enhanced form of decadence that requires you to wipe your ass afterwards.  That's seriously decadent.

Cookie Monster way cooler than you.

Cookie Monster way cooler than you.

For all the decades of movie critics' talking up Triumph of the Will as a classic movie, why hasn't it ever been remade?    I bet Clooney could fly out to Greece and get the Golden Dawn party to finance a scene-for-scene remake.

For all the decades of movie critics' talking up Triumph of the Will as a classic movie, why hasn't it ever been remade?    I bet Clooney could fly out to Greece and get the Golden Dawn party to finance a scene-for-scene remake.

Wouldn't bother me a bit if the institution of marriage disappeared, but that's way outside the current Overton window.  Full marriage rights for any two adults is fine for now.

Wouldn't bother me a bit if the institution of marriage disappeared, but that's way outside the current Overton window.  Full marriage rights for any two adults is fine for now.

Oops I was thinking of somebody else.   Some other person who in 24 hours went from merely misguided to unforgivable cruel neanderthal.

Oops I was thinking of somebody else.   Some other person who in 24 hours went from merely misguided to unforgivable cruel neanderthal.

I'm as far left as can be on marriage rights, but I do find enormous amusement is the hypocrisy of Obama groupies on the issue, including dumb bitch Lena.  Obama spent years in full-on Jerry Falwell mode – "my Christian values tell me marriage is between a man and a woman," and Obama fans just made excuses for it. He

I'm as far left as can be on marriage rights, but I do find enormous amusement is the hypocrisy of Obama groupies on the issue, including dumb bitch Lena.  Obama spent years in full-on Jerry Falwell mode – "my Christian values tell me marriage is between a man and a woman," and Obama fans just made excuses for it. He

Was he?  I read the book at least 25 years ago, but I've seen the movie a few times since.   I may have forgotten how the book goes.  Movie's good though.

Was he?  I read the book at least 25 years ago, but I've seen the movie a few times since.   I may have forgotten how the book goes.  Movie's good though.

I've always thought a follow-up book on the kid would have been a great idea. If you view Apt Pupil as prologue and character development, then you start thinking this kid probably grew up to be a very interesting adult.

I've always thought a follow-up book on the kid would have been a great idea. If you view Apt Pupil as prologue and character development, then you start thinking this kid probably grew up to be a very interesting adult.