Tonto the parrot

Mapleton is cleary a fictional town/village in the Hudson Valley(not too far from Manhattan) so the drive to Cairo would probably be more like 120 or so miles.

Borg's first wifes head did not keep its head on a swivel.

Maybe I'm reaching here a bit but the thought crossed my mind that maybe she did a little castration on him and so she was able to recruit because he didn't want that news coming out.

haha. that was a funny scene. like he wants The Seer to go plead his case for him and invoke the gods will that it should happen.

Waiting on your review D.P. only thing i watched tonight besides some hockey.

I've always enjoyed your hating on this show even if i don't agree with some of what you say.

I was very unimpressed with this episode. I've oscillated on my enjoyment of the show over the series run, with increasing interest in some of the characters who i did not like so much near the beginning. Marnie as a character was pretty amazing over the course of the season, plays that awkwardness so well. Enjoyed

I just couldn't get into the show last year but started re-watching the show thanks to these reviews and the comments. Farmiga is awesome in every single thing she does on the show and Highmore is excellent as well. He's got Normans character down to a t.

The Borgias came at it on an entirely different level than any of those
shows(not sure about Boss, never seen it). That show specifically set up
their incest storyline as some really twisted love story. Seems the market has been flooded with it recently.

Someone who has read the books might know. Honestly, it sounds like something Harris might include in all the books he has written which include Lecter.

Not sure about the book since i've never read them but chiltons quote was almost identical to starling from Silence.

Yeah, you don't normally see sheriff's driving around Maseratis. Pretty expensive cars.


This felt like a real life Funny Games. Really awful. Not debating death penalty or anything but when it happened, I felt like they should just let the Dr. go to work on these absolute soulless scumbags and still feel that way after watching this.

I appreciate that phodreaw, kinda had that feeling after watching tonight's episode. I tried Terra Nova and hate that feeling that you speak of. Only tried this show because Les was reviewing.

Hey Les! I miss you and The Borgias. I've decided to give this show a try since you are reviewing it. Anyone know if the other seasons are available and easy to watch?

So I missed the first 20 mins or so but when they reshow again, think i can save my lunesta. I can't even explain why i still watch this shit.

I thought it was an homage to Friday the 13th! These guys sure are clever

except for The Borgias, which got royally fucked and not just in getting enough seasons but not getting the commentators it so richly deserved compared to this.

I would absolutely contribute to some sort of kickstarter campaign but just get feeling that NJ is finished with the show