The Scary Door

Based on his poor attempts to dig out of an increasingly offensive hole, it may be two things.

Put the bunny in the box…

Is it really the internet that did the great job here?

Does this mean we can get some dudes to throw him into the back of a truck and take him away?

God, his presidency seems so long ago…

If this is your idea of a joke, then you belong in a Woody Allen film because I'm not laughing.

It's ok, those Meals on Wheels recipients didn't need that food anyway.

This is the rational and nuanced thinking one has come to expect from Rush Limbaugh.

Bears? Now they're putting the whole park at risk!

Mono… d'oh!

Hot damn

Think global, milk local.

"There's quite a drop in quality after the top few guys."

Don't sell yourself short, Trump; you're a tremendous slouch.

He barely had any time to get biz-ay: neither consistently not thoroughly.

He's like Germany; ambitious and misunderstood.

I'll be sure to tune in!

Sometimes if you ask the judge nicely, they'll let you take a swig from their flask.

I'll allow it.