
No, that's the unfortunately underrated Italian actress Stefania Casini(who I like so much I even used as a model for a comics character I've been drawing the last few years). She's one of those people that pops up all the time in Euro films in the 70s and some in the 80s, usually nude. Two other films you might

Stevie Nicks
Considering how much they mention her here, I wouldn't be surprised if they happened to listen one day to "Landslide," for a moment were touched by it, and felt a little sorry for having said famously that she sounds like a goat.

Above is correct. He's said more than once his model was Lean. Thing about Lean is, he liked a free hand, so he'd make films in far-off places studio executives couldn't go. He kind of was as controlling as Eli is, with dashes of other directors(it certainly anticipates stiff like John Landis' later recklessness in

Something I always wondered about the RCA videodisc
I understand how a needle can interact with a groove to produce vibrations and amplify them. But how the hell does a needle pick up video?

Dug this
This kind of discussion is why I come to the AV club. More like this.

"Resort Stories"
They may be somewhat different than ones in the US—and certainly didn't have worldwide influence—but films of that sort, usually East German, were SUPER-popular behind the Iron Curtain, when there was such a thing. Because totalitarian dictatorships, for reasons I've never fully understood, have

At least until Ben Vereen appears(at the very end it's actually not bad). John Amos, Robert Reed, Madge Sinclair—putting more dark makeup around the eyes doesn't make you look older, it makes you look tired.

Henry Fonda doesn't belong here
That's just playing against type. He didn't de-glam himself for the part(if anything, he looks damn sharp as Frank)—as a matter of fact, he got brown contact lenses and Leone made him get rid of them, wanting Fonda to shock by looking how people would expect him to look, but doing

…one contradiction to the music-for-norms idea here is that, at first, Lewis tried to project a slightly more San Francisco image, with the video for "Heart and Soul"(which, much as I dislike Lewis, I have to admit I liked then and still do, but that was before their superhugeness) which is basically a SF loft

I only clicked on this one because
…I just had to see what in hell a reviewer could even SAY about a Jennifer Lopez album.

Always the Last to Know
Not the first time McLachlan has been on the tail end of a trend.

>>I think Alan Moore started his career using this name.

Just heard it
They call it a return to form.

Something everyone forgets
There was a reason Clint Eastwood was laughed at as an actor(though loved as a star) in the 1970s, and everyone's memory on this was erased by UNFORGIVEN. Because he was a crappy actor, and NO, he did not feel the lines.

>>I fucking hate that song.

Well, I Can't Believe Anyone Still Interviews Liam Gallagher.
Huh. That's nice. Who were you again? Oh right, that cokehead guy from that Beatles ripoff band that wasn't as good as Blur.

I have no idea why so many people knock this film…
…because I loved it from the first time I saw it. It's my 2nd favorite Coen film after Miller's Crossing.(Blood Simple is third)

It's good
While it could have been better, some of those things just couldn't have been put in. The Pa Kent bit would have needed a lot of revision because it depends on Morrison's ONE MILLION. And the Bizarro part—which I love—would have to have a movie all its own. And the Jimmy part is great, but it removes the

No change actually
What he's saying is that (a) rape happens for a reason because everything does, and (b) he therefore doesn't see rape as a reason for an abortion.

What's disturbing about SALO is not so much single actions in it, it's the whole thing in aggregate and what it means. It's disturbing on a more deadly conceptual level. It helps to have seen Pasolini's previous work and to be aware of his politics.