
To be honest
Maybe it's just having lived in Chicago and being used to this Stuart Gordon-esque take on killers(at the time, this was very much tied into the Psychotronic Film Society subculture), but I was never able to see it as other than a very black comedy. ("Ah guess ah got carried away" and "ah guess yew DID"

When you look back on his whole career, it doesn't really seem like reinvention so much as extension.

"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"
"Somehow?" Simple as this: the line "everybody must get stoned." That's it. That's the whole reason the song has ever been popular. And it's not meant the way everybody takes it. In fact, the real point of the song is much like "Ballad of John & Yoko," though third-person rather than first.

This sounds hideous. But then, at this point I look at Jack Black's name on something the same as I would Carrey or Sandler: a guarantee of utter shit. US comedy actors have a way of steering right into the ditch in film choices without much prompting.

My god
I…I remember that year. I'd blocked it all out. All of it. And had been happy. But…but…everything SUCKED that year. Oh god. All those songs, coming back to shit in my brain once again. Damn you.

Miller scared me here. That bit where he soundlessly opens his mouth wide as though to eat Lumen's face. Good psycho shit. I like Miller and hope we see more of him elsewhere.

All the same, I'm glad Dexter let him off the hook. I felt sorry for him by this point and it would have been downright evil of Dexter to have sent him to jail. Not to mention dumb. Now Quinn will never say anything, because he's actually better off with Liddy dead. Dex did him a favor. And Quinn knows it.

Dexter and his "Dark Passenger" doesn't apply
That's what Dexter didn't get about this. He thought the way she'd been changed was like him. He did not understand that her need to kill was driven by retribution, not need. If anything, his killing is more a hobby, more frivolous, than hers. She set out to kill the

"All bad adaptations are the same."

Unlike Knightley.

To fill it, there would have to be something there.

I like that she'll be hit by a train
Why couldn't they do KREUTZER SONATA? Then she could be strangled. She's so slight I don't think she'll even feel the train hit. It might not even kill her. Like a straw in the wind or something. Isn't this Kate Winslet's job anyway?

PS—And yes, SPIONE is a Mabuse film in all but name.

Especially cool in that it means the workers go back to work and their crappy lives, and the masters keep everything they already had. Remember, at no point was the city above ever really threatened—all the damage was to the underground city. Where the workers will STAY.

Forgot that one, yeah. (and wanna see it) And there are many others, none done by him. I'm planning to use him as a villain myself in a comic series I'm working on. I like the idea in TESTAMENT that he kind of "plants" himself in other minds, like that dude in PLANETARY. (though Ellis never really did anything with

I think that makes sense. Dexter now has a definite point she could attribute a change to.

How was I being a jerk?

>>we WON'T be learning what was up with Emily and Jordan's weird-ass relationship

I can say it but it doesn't mean I understand it…

You mean where his sole joke is that he's Bob Saget?