
"Plenty of other stories" why have I not heard more than this one—and this one is literally just a rumor that people conjectured might be him?

If you're feeling misanthropic while stoned, I feel like you're doing it wrong…

Like Jaden Smith ever went to a public school…

I feel disconnected from anyone who hasn't at some point in their lives found Clerks to be deeply relatable.

Bobcat Goldthwait interjects.

I was really into "Into Lake Griffy" for my sophomore year in college. Something about male/female vocals and IMO a really cheery guitar tone—that semi-clean-tone and arpeggio kind of deal. I wonder if that kind of sound comes from "Graceland". I feel like I heard a lot of it in indie rock around 2008/2009.

No, not me. I would probably have used that title.

I like to read him. He is interesting, he does have a unique perspective. But I won't go overboard on this… the man defends Transformers and Jack & Jill. There's only so far you can go down the contrarian rabbithole before you remember what reality is like, or yourself go insane.

Based on my experience drawing a cruddy twice-weekly comic for my university, you begin to feel very strongly that even if there is somebody out there who reads your stuff, they aren't paying that much attention to it, so you aren't exactly being punished for doing a shitty job. The editor just wants something that

This is the eternal issue with a medium that wants a four-panel strip delivered six days a week (no longer, rarely shorter), and a strip three to four times as big on Sundays, every day of every year, every year, no built-in or paid holidays, for as long as the author hopes to be making a paycheck. When you do it for

I think I misunderstood what you meant by "only exists in their own mind." I just want to say I think it is in everyone's best interest if the male role model is replaced, not merely destroyed.

What do you think a role model is, exactly?

I think telling me that male identity has always been about dominance is disingenuous, and exactly what I'm talking about. What are my options, here? You're telling me it's James Bond caveman, or nothing? I'm not looking to change the focus of feminism. I just want a footnote. Good male role models in feminism, see

I think the reason for this weird situation, where the sexist 40's were seemingly less afraid of showing weak men than this otherwise pretty progressive generation, is that sometime after feminism become halfway-mainstream, men suddenly became very insecure of themselves. Something that Fight Club exploits, whether

It's some kind of code… but what does it mean??

I would be genuinely surprised if any less than 90% of AVClub readers know who Pavement is and can name at least one of their songs.

Marilyn Monroe looks hot. i mean… in a different way. like, the kind of hot i could do shrooms with.

Reading summaries of long-running plots on a show wiki is the most distilled way of satisfying pop culture addiction that technology has invented, just above Netflix binging but right below physically injecting a show into the base of my skull. I just want to know what happens. In everything.

But oh so cheap!

You can say what you want about lyricism, but you can't listen to "So Whatcha Want" from Check Your Head and say they were missing anything on delivery or flow. That song is as solid as it gets, and that means the rapping too.