
she should be proud of more normal things, like being a respected commentator on a pop culture website.

Maybe I'm just living in the wrong place or have the wrong friends or something, but *nobody* I know in real life is an AV Club commentor, or knows who the Replacements are, or watches films made before 2010 (except for that weird girl who watches Audrey Hepburn movies), or knows Scorsese as anybody except the guy who

confused by the way you snuck in Kanye's "unmanly" mouth… what does that entail exactly?

@avclub-4e8df77c802db1476f245778d67534eb:disqus how can you exclude Hootenanny :(


Biomed student girls are the cutest, it's true.

I think it's good. It's probably the best.

he got fit!

"I'm sorry" was sufficient

I don't believe that… Will Smith has his own brand of overwhelm that he wouldn't have even bothered to tone down for Django… Jamie Foxx deserves credit for giving Django only as much oomph as the character needed, and only in the scenes where he needed it.

@avclub-5b7e0a1ad5d9ac9ef3063b05f55b6d31:disqus not even a leetle debate?

apps and zerts

"Desperate" is a really good album and "Ring Me Up" is a really good song

fuckin' Within Your Reach.

@avclub-d892cfee412f049ca3da7ada13bcf9ff:disqus  woo.

you have very poor reading comprehension!

voting "Hot In Here" for the possibility of it being performed by Wye Oak

completely missing "The Cuntural Revolution"? really?

bugs me, man. Family Guy ruined all my friends for any potential enjoyment of Randy Newman. anytime I mention his name, they ask if that's "the guy from Family Guy," and then they start braying that imitation at me

maybe this is the most obvious thing in the world to say but the smoke is my least favorite part about smoking