
Fuck Vedder and Pearl Jam.
THE most over-rated band EVER.

Definitely shoulda stopped after …And Justice

Sorry about that, I meant John.

So true my friend, so true.

5 channels, those were the days! I hated the Jerry Lewis telethon weekend as a kid because it meant NOTHING else was on tv. Remember fine tuning that uhf dial just so you could get a good look at Daisy Dukes gams?

HA! What a baby!

I was at school the day Reagan was shot. Everything stopped and they wheeled tv's into the classrooms and all we did was watch the news the rest of that day.

things that make me feel old
Saw Animal House on it's opening night in theaters.
AC/DC's Back In Black is 30 years old. (yeesh)
I have watched the movie M*A*S*H* on laserdisc.
I still have every episode of Headbangers Ball on beta.
I watched the Challenger shuttle explode on live tv(home sick from school that day)

what the hell is an RSS feed?

@incredulous guy. Yes, but is it gayer than Richard Simmons with a wheelbarrow full of assholes?

It's similar to buttressing a Windsor.

I don't think any of these were singles
Neil Young, all of American Stars and Bars
Deep Purple /Hungry Daze/ Vavoom: Ted the Mechanic
Genesis/ Mama

I pulled up all the actors on IMDB that have been mentioned in this thread. Vogel's page says: The First Avenger: Captain America (2011) (pre-production) (rumored).


Yes, good stuff. It's a shame that his sitcom never came to fruition.

And the bit about getting blown by a girl with a retarded conjoined twin attached at the head. I nearly drove off the road the first time I heard it.

Totally agree on the Stanhope.
"…holding his truncated rectum, like a bloody sea-snake."

He'll do it for free lense wipes and a fried bologna sammich.

I refuse
to watch any more amateur porn, no matter how many times my uncle baits me with "you might see some one you know………"

Leviathan was great (saw it on the big screen, fuckyeah!) Just watched Pandorum and actually it was pretty good.