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    High ratings for the first episode.
    Of course the ratings were high for the first episode. It aired on every HBO channel at the same time. It was the only HBO show for that hour and fifteen minutes.

    With less errors in the article.

    I love the score.
    Every episode.

    The Prestige is based off of a book.

    I don't know.
    Are we going to have to be dissecting every little thing for meaning? There were 36 strangers that died with him. 9 x 4 = 36. Four leaves of clover. And such. The gimmick could end up being too important and then tiring.

    Sure you will.

    There is no legitimate argument not to use Federal money.

    in the most pedestrian way imaginable: via a bulletin board.
    What did you think of Borderlands? Some of your complaints seem unreasonable.

    Didn't he retire soon after his father was killed? Maybe he legitimately didn't have a desire to be involved with his basketball life?

    Sounds like a poor copy of Geometry Wars.
    With blood.

    My one criticism would be that the boss names are not as good as the first game.

    Fuck off.

    Good job noticing what is in every sitcom.

    There has been no announcement that the show has be renewed for another season.

    I wouldn't claim that he won in any way. If you don't like the film, okay. But you saying "He thinks that he's a provacteur. He's not." rings a little false following the rest of it.
    And the correct analogy, I think, would be if you took a dump in public, but people could only smell it.

    And apparently Toots Sweet the film provoked you.

    He wasn't saying that the film is timeless in the way that people say Citizen Kane it timeless. I believe he was saying that the film doesn't only apply to one time in history. You know, the whole "not limited to the period and place that it depicts."

    I thought he was calling out our desire to be comforted by cinema. As well as for us to question the ideas that movies are not real.

    Maybe we should start singing the praises of
    Jed Wheadon?

    I worked for Murray Hewitt.