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    Fox wanted Charlie's Angels.

    Thats probably how they all got involved with Rossum.

    Where could she have fit?

    Silver Lining
    Maybe only having two seasons is the best thing? Less fat.

    What was up with that patch of Ron's hair that was seemingly shaved? Did they talk about that? If so, I might have missed it.
    That would be from the hunting episode.

    Why is a kid in a wheelchair wearing suspenders?
    What is he holding up?

    I feel the same way about Amy Hempel. I was actively looking for it and I feel let down.

    Saturday Night Live is more of a bi-weekly thing.

    A new game.
    I think we should play "Spot the Product Placement."
    I think it was Direct TV this week.

    They gave Ed Norton a role that wasn't created for a famous actor. I have no problem with what they did.

    I think that reading the reviews of the Heroes episodes has made me stop watching it more than the show itself. I have only seen last season and didn't think it was that bad, but I have no desire to watch any of the new episodes. I wonder how much of my biases are being created because of the A.V. Club?

    You have now made me unable to not read this book.

    I question that as well. It seems to be that in the beginning of the first season the Dollhouse tried to stamp out any unusual behavior like holding hands. Its almost as they are trying to show the Dollhouse as negligent and complacent.

    Its more than that. Since there is so much of a commitment to her it seems like they have to shoehorn her into any story. I don't buy the "Echo has always been special." thing.

    I am starting to believe
    that the show would be better served if it wasn't so beholden to Dushku as a main character. I don't mean that as an insult to her, but I think there would be a better chance of creating a compelling story.

    H. Jon Benjamin
    Is a Superstar.

    I don't think this can qualify as a "thread".

    I read some of the book reviews.

    I am really impressed with the actress playing his wife.

    Now I meant the other guy that is in tonight's episode and I forgot about the episode he was in maybe two weeks ago. Something is wrong with my mind.