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    By Sapphire?

    Thank you for the question. For which the answer I will release in one month's time.

    This probably wouldn't happen if El-P was still head of Def Jux.

    Fantastic Damage is better than I'll Sleep When You're Dead.

    The music is wonderful in Cowboy Bebop. I like how many episodes have music that fits the theme of the episode.

    I can grade it for you: A.

    Paranoia Agent would have more things to talk about.

    Are you sure she knew about the house? I didn't watch last week so I could have missed it.

    It isn't just a single mother obsessed, it is also one last case before retirement.

    That isn't the type of character he is. We are supposed to see him as noble.

    They have to stretch everything out as much as they can. Isn't this entire series about one murder?

    Weren't we supposed to suspect Darren since the first episode when he had that phone call about meetings people don't know about? Or am I remembering it incorrectly?

    Stan's financial problems
    I think the Stan's money troubles are because of the other house he purchased.

    Isn't what Ed is trying to do the same thing that Lights told that Armenian boxer he trained to do? Get rid of all the distractions and such?

    We don't know if is supposed to have a chance to beat Deathrow. That will depend on if there is another season.

    Something I have been thinking about.
    I very much enjoy this type of article verse a straight recap of the entire episode.

    I am noticing
    I am noticing more and negative sounding reviews coupled with a positive letter grade. How am I supposed to evaluate the product?

    He was voiced by a black man. Donald Faison.

    Why did I register?
    If there is going to be a full screen advertisement every time a page is loaded then I am going to have to stop coming here.

    Character's names are important to get correct.