Horatio Scornblower

Erm, he didn't say that Katy Perry, a very pretty woman, was shallow. Just that Katy Perry, a very pretty woman, could not properly speak to the experiences of the people that this song purports to stand up for because it's pretty much a guarantee that someone who looks like Katy Perry was probably never made fun of


SO FUCKING ACCURATE. That is the top voted comment on, what, every Led Zeppelin video on Youtube? (I love Zep, btw)

I'm willing to bet that the Monarch was just covering for his inability to successfully torture Rusty, since he didn't seem all that broken by the end of the episode. And it would take a lot more than "we're both kind of pathetic, huh?" to psychologically destroy a guy as fucked up as Rusty is.

Well Sphinx was hunting the Investors, so I'm betting that he realized that the Investors were the real threat.

If that was a subtle set up for "Jonas isn't actually dead" (we never do see a body or get any concrete details of Jonas's death) it would be amazing.

I think that the way ~Young Internetz Writerz~ talk about privilege is getting out of hand, to the point where they're becoming the thing they're trying to fight. It's one thing to say that privileged groups try to rob the marginalized of their dignity, but that does not mean human fucking dignity is a privilege.

If only she extended her love and compassion to the point that did not involve shoveling garbage food and energy drinks into small children.

"Dignity is a privilege?" Fuck off.

Some of those Burzum albums are pretty great, but fuck this guy forever.

So it seems pretty clear that the Investors somehow offed the Clue Clown, and I'm still wondering what the endgame is with them. I somehow doubt that they'll wrap up the story with them in one episode considering that there are multiple cliffhangers to deal with. So we have: Doc getting crushed by a disco ball,

Wait, is it confirmed that there are only 8 episodes this season? That seems really short, especially since we had to wait three goddamn years to get them.

I looked at the rating it got and thought "This looks like (and apparently is) the turd left in the bowl…who could possibly spin it into a positive review? Probably Ignatiy…yep. Yep. It was him."

Anyone remember when the dude claiming to be the bassist from the Volcano Suns drunkenly posted terrible comments on both of Noel Murray's (glowingly positive!) articles  about Harvey Pekar?

"Go to Hell-Ron…L. Ron!" did me in. Great episode.

Jake Fogelnest: worst laugh in human history?

It's actually not that hard. MAN OF STEEL and SUPERMAN RETURNS were perfectly fine Superman films.

I don't think it can be overstated just how magnificent his performance in Where the Wild Things Are was. What a brilliant actor.

Fucking hell. Fuck you, Death.

Nope, more of a reference to the Critic and the fact that Teti gave Bioshock Infinite a sniffing, curmudgeonly review.