Horatio Scornblower

Sorry, but I don't think a movie is genuinely good if you have to have been a certain age upon its original release in order to enjoy it.

That's a weird thing to be a sucker for.

Wow. This is one of the worst things I've ever read on this site. What happened to you, AV Club?

"Anyone who regularly uses the word 'patriarchy'" Sooo…literally everyone on Tumblr?

I don't know what AVC comment section you read, but Radiohead gets shit on pretty regularly 'round these parts.

My former best friend got super into this band in high school, and that's pretty much around the time when we stopped being friends. That was 7 years ago. I had no idea they were still around.

Can't wait until I'm old enough to have mature thoughts and feelings like you, Kurt. Fuck off.

He included "as a male" in there, too.

Exactly. Fire Walk With Me is Lynch's best film. This dude sounds like a fucking Buzzfeed writer.

Honestly, how can you NOT love these guys? They're the best.

Look, if you think a half-smart guy like Tom Scharpling is a legend, more power to you. But to me the guy's just a moron with a chip on his shoulder.

Can someone explain the appeal of the Best Show outside of the Wurster calls? The rest of it is just a semi-articulate moron bloviating about his stupid pop culture opinions and yelling at callers. And then his fans go on Twitter and call him a genius.

Annie Zaleski falls into "trying way to hard to be Christgau" trap.

So, the person who wrote this article is surprised that Ted Leo, a working musician, would play a street festival that would pay him money to do the thing that is literally his one job and play there?

I'm on board with the idea that this is her best work. The construction of every joke is so precise and air tight, but can still produce big, genuine laughs. Plus, I can totally relate.

Being awkward is not nearly the same as being harassed or bullied based on your physical appearance. And it's not that Posehn thinks that Perry has to have experienced bullying to sing about being bullied, just that it seems cynical and pandering.

Oh, fuck off with that. What a lazy, hacky stereotype.

Mostly because it's shitty, and would have probably been just as shitty without the Katy Perry interlude.

The bit about the porn video stuck in the VCR, and then the splicing of porn videos with kids movies, was maybe the funniest thing I've heard all year.

It was pretty glorious.